Staredit Network > Forums > SC1 UMS Mapmaking Assistance > Topic: Sieged Tank Effect (by Location)
Sieged Tank Effect (by Location)
Feb 20 2008, 6:28 pm
By: huxley  

Feb 20 2008, 6:28 pm huxley Post #1

is there any way to trigger the sieged tank effect for locations if a player commands at least x of unit in a separate location? my idea was to setup locations like squares on a grid across the map and have it remain fundamentally similar to bunker wars, where player1 constructs a turret in location (a) and turns into a sieged tank, so they command/own that location and get +min per/sec, and should player2 (enemy) walk into location (b), which is adjacent from location (a), the siege tank would fire..

i guess one way i could circumvent this is if building a turret which turns into a sieged tank at location (a) would also spawn an invisible sieged tank at location (b).

or just make the map with 1 invisible sieged tank (computer owned) for each location across the grid, and transfer ownership of the sieged tank on the adjacent grid when a turret is built?

what is the easiest most effective way to accomplish this?


Feb 20 2008, 6:52 pm UnholyUrine Post #2

Riiight i do not understand what you're really trying to do..

So there's a grid.. and u have scv
u build turret and the turret becomes a Tank... the tank is in location a...
Then whenever an enemy walks too close to the tank (location b.. which is adjacent).. the tank would fire?

I"m assuming the tank won't fire if there's no enemy close to location a?

annnd why'd u want to have siege tanks at location b? this doesn't make sense... .. so you build a turret at a.. but enemy walks to b.. which is next to a.. and there'd be a tank at b that fires??
So like the place u build a turret is essentially a "tank turret" where it creates tanks near it whenever enemy walks close to it?

please be more clear..

Anyways.. there is a ezier way to detect things like this.. but mind you it can be glitchy when there's a lot of "tank turrets"...

So you have a location that is always moved to the "tank turret".. let's say.. Location 1..
you have multiple "tank turrets" around the map... but the location 1 will only center at the top left tank turret...
You want it so that whenever an enemy walks to location 1... a tank will be created at that Tank turret...

So let's set this up
First.. make a trigger so that you give ONE tank turret to player 9-12 (ur choice.. but this also limits you to 6 players max .. since this needs to be player specific.. as in player 1->9 .. player 2->10 .. and etc.)..
and when you have ZERO tank turrets... give all tank turret from player 9-12 (the one u choose..) back to you...

You should also have Hyper trigger.. and the trigger that moves Location 1 to the tank turrets owned BY YOU.
This way the location 1 will go through each tank turret...

Now let's say player 2 brings at least 1 unit to location 1...
then Move location 2 to any unit player 2 brings to location 1..
create a tank at location 2.


I'm not sure if this is what u want tho lol


Feb 20 2008, 7:00 pm huxley Post #3

basically i want to get a tank to fire farther than it normally would.

| |
| a |
| |
| |
| b |
| |

player1 sends scv to location (a) and builds a turret that gets destroyed once it is built and spawns a sieged tank. if player2 sends any units to location (b), because player1 has a siege tank in location (a) it will create a siege tank effect in location (b), damaging player2's units.


Feb 20 2008, 7:01 pm huxley Post #4

ok, that img turned out wrong. if you picture a square divided into four smaller squares, the top left square would be 1, top right square would be 2, bottom left square would be 3 and bottom right square would be 4. so 1 and 2 are adjacent from one another. 3 and 4 are also adjacent from one another. adjacent, diagonal, across, whatever.


Feb 20 2008, 7:06 pm huxley Post #5

the turret part really isn't even that important. the basics of the map work sort of like checkers where up to six players are competing in a bunker wars style map.

you've got units spawning, a main bunker (hq) and scvs. you try to get your scvs safely to the center of the map where there are minerals. you mine the minerals, then head back to your cc. if you bring units to the center location other than scvs, they will die or get bounced out or something to make the center location anti-camped. that way, once a player secures a path for his scvs to get to the minerals, he can secure them thru this grid by building a sieged tank that also defends the adjacent square. it adds a whole strategy element to it,

maybe i'm not explaining very well. :O


Feb 20 2008, 8:12 pm NudeRaider Post #6

We can't explain the universe, just describe it; and we don't know whether our theories are true, we just know they're not wrong. >Harald Lesch

Quote from huxley
maybe i'm not explaining very well. :O
You can be sure of that.:P

You cannot create an attack/hit animation of a siege tank (i guess that's what you mean by siege tank effect). You must have a tank that actually shoots.

I guess the best thing you can do is spawning a large grid over your first siege tank and place a siege tank at every corner / side of the grid. So you have a square with 8 sieged tanks and 1 in the middle.
Then disable the 8 outer siege tanks and give the enemies vision to them for a brief period (giving should work best) to make them invisible.

Another idea: Move the siege tank to the adjacent location if a unit is there, leave it for a short time so it shoots and teleport it back.

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