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Pages: < 1 2 3 43545 >

[2024-8-21. : 3:51 pm]
lil-Inferno -- I think his wife is a girl
[2024-8-21. : 3:03 pm]
dumbducky -- Zoan
Zoan shouted: Oh_Man my wife is also preggo, due in march O:
Boy or girl?
[2024-8-20. : 10:32 pm]
Vrael -- ur mom
[2024-8-20. : 7:31 pm]
lil-Inferno -- heheheheheh
[2024-8-20. : 7:31 pm]
lil-Inferno -- penis
[2024-8-20. : 4:01 pm]
bprs34 -- Hi
[2024-8-20. : 12:21 am]
Ultraviolet -- lil-Inferno
lil-Inferno shouted: I'm not having a kid because Ultraviolet's mom is post-menopausal
thank god for that, doing the world a big favor
[2024-8-19. : 11:41 pm]
Zoan -- rage
[2024-8-19. : 8:07 pm]
Zoan -- no lil-lil-inferno?
[2024-8-19. : 2:58 pm]
Vrael -- its like 50 bucks I know a guy
[2024-8-19. : 2:58 pm]
Vrael -- ??? just grow one in a lab
[2024-8-19. : 2:44 pm]
NudeRaider -- ... and thus the era of infernos ends because of his unfortunate fixation on older women
[2024-8-19. : 2:42 pm]
lil-Inferno -- I'm not having a kid because Ultraviolet's mom is post-menopausal
[2024-8-19. : 10:01 am]
NudeRaider -- 👇
[2024-8-19. : 9:28 am]
Moose -- He's talking about an actual live field mouse
[2024-8-18. : 11:09 pm]
NudeRaider -- and no, I'm not talking about a squeaky toy. :P
[2024-8-18. : 11:09 pm]
NudeRaider -- early practice and all that.
[2024-8-18. : 11:08 pm]
NudeRaider -- ya, don't forget to put a mouse in their cradle
[2024-8-18. : 9:27 pm]
Zoan -- my wife is Korean, so our kid should be pretty good at melee ;o
[2024-8-18. : 6:31 pm]
NudeRaider -- Vrael
Vrael shouted: He practices a special kind of intercourse where the weiner stays outside of the vajayjay and just shoots the jizz over to it
oh :0_0: np. go ahead then, and good aim!
[2024-8-18. : 5:35 pm]
Ultraviolet -- NudeRaider
NudeRaider shouted: Ultraviolet what's --(-) supposed to be? :lol:
Failed attempt at pulling out :P
[2024-8-18. : 1:47 pm]
Vrael -- dont kinkshame
[2024-8-18. : 1:47 pm]
Vrael -- He practices a special kind of intercourse where the weiner stays outside of the vajayjay and just shoots the jizz over to it
[2024-8-18. : 8:45 am]
NudeRaider -- Ultraviolet
Ultraviolet shouted: Zoan 8==D --(-) <-- you guys IRL
what's --(-) supposed to be? :lol:
[2024-8-18. : 8:04 am]
Oh_Man -- grats zoan
[2024-8-18. : 1:39 am]
Ultraviolet -- 8=D <-- maybe more like this here :P
[2024-8-18. : 1:30 am]
Ultraviolet -- Zoan
Zoan shouted: Oh_Man my wife is also preggo, due in march O:
8==D --(-) <-- you guys IRL
[2024-8-18. : 1:30 am]
Ultraviolet -- Zoan
Zoan shouted: Excalibur ;o o rly
[2024-8-17. : 10:40 pm]
Zoan -- Oh_Man
Oh_Man shouted: thanks lads
my wife is also preggo, due in march O:
[2024-8-17. : 10:39 pm]
Zoan -- Excalibur
Excalibur shouted: Yeah ducky is just trolling in a manner I don't find particularly funny or enjoyable.
;o o rly
[2024-8-17. : 6:03 pm]
Ultraviolet -- We're gonna be welcoming Oh_Boy into the world soon, the next master of SC:BW mapping
[2024-8-17. : 5:55 pm]
Oh_Man -- thanks lads
[2024-8-17. : 5:18 pm]
Vrael -- oh yeah holy shit congrats man
[2024-8-17. : 5:18 pm]
Ultraviolet -- Oh_Man
Oh_Man shouted: Yep. I'm going to be a father
Congrats dude
[2024-8-17. : 1:23 pm]
Oh_Man -- yea i got it now, ty
[2024-8-16. : 7:16 pm]
Vrael -- Oh_Man
Oh_Man shouted: :ban?:
u get the tenebrous link I sent?
[2024-8-16. : 3:16 pm]
Oh_Man -- :ban?:
[2024-8-16. : 3:01 pm]
dumbducky -- Just told my 10yo daughter about #RBG. She had tears in her eyes. And then she did the Wakanda Pose and said "#Ruthkanda forever" -- which is the sort of pop culture cross-over that I can celebrate.
[2024-8-16. : 2:50 pm]
Vrael -- well you should learn to appreciate all forms of trolling or you're just a measley ogre
[2024-8-16. : 3:28 am]
Excalibur -- Which is unfortunate.
[2024-8-16. : 3:28 am]
Excalibur -- Yeah ducky is just trolling in a manner I don't find particularly funny or enjoyable.
[2024-8-16. : 2:19 am]
Zoan -- that's awful man
[2024-8-15. : 9:35 pm]
dumbducky -- Well, I'm on the phone with my computer security service, and as I understand it someonoe compromised my IP address and is using it to download child pornography. I might just be a random target. But this could be an attempt to Qanon me. It's an ugly world out there.
[2024-8-15. : 8:23 am]
NudeRaider -- Ultraviolet
Ultraviolet shouted: ducky is true chaotic neutral
At this point I think he's just trolling us by posting random tweets ( dumbducky
dumbducky shouted: That was a real tweet from the US Ambassador to Afghanistan in 2020
[2024-8-15. : 3:08 am]
Vrael -- sry that's demon
[2024-8-14. : 9:36 pm]
Ultraviolet -- ducky is true chaotic neutral
[2024-8-14. : 9:36 pm]
Ultraviolet -- Glad it's not just me
[2024-8-14. : 9:00 pm]
Zoan -- I'm happy to say I have no idea what the words you're saying mean
[2024-8-14. : 5:25 pm]
dumbducky -- Yo I just got fucking scammed and lost ape #1942, Fs in the chat. 4th stolen ape today. I made a trade and they sent screenshots and said it wasn't working so they made a swap link. DO NOT USE nft trader .link, I had a hunch and should've acted on it. Protect your jpegs ppl
[2024-8-14. : 4:34 pm]
Oh_Man -- i already playing terran theme 01 to them in the womb
[2024-8-14. : 3:58 pm]
NudeRaider -- degeneren
degeneren shouted: hello young folks from around the world
young folks? Wrong site man :lol:
[2024-8-14. : 3:49 pm]
Zoan -- when will you introduce them to broodwar
[2024-8-14. : 3:49 pm]
Zoan -- Oh_Man
Oh_Man shouted: Yep. I'm going to be a father
:O congratz man
[2024-8-14. : 12:39 pm]
UndeadStar -- Oh_Man
Oh_Man shouted: Yep. I'm going to be a father
Time to spawn more Overlords
[2024-8-14. : 6:11 am]
RIVE -- Mazel tov
[2024-8-14. : 5:58 am]
Oh_Man -- Yep. I'm going to be a father
[2024-8-14. : 2:13 am]
Ultraviolet -- dumbducky
dumbducky shouted: >Thread> I'm now hearing this meme that says Obama, Clinton, et al. are doing nothing, just gave up. Guys, It's time for some game theory.
My theory is that you just lost the game
[2024-8-14. : 12:30 am]
degeneren -- hello young folks from around the world
[2024-8-13. : 10:44 pm]
Zoan -- thoughts on custom stormgate maps
[2024-8-13. : 3:23 pm]
dumbducky -- >Thread> I'm now hearing this meme that says Obama, Clinton, et al. are doing nothing, just gave up. Guys, It's time for some game theory.
[2024-8-12. : 1:44 pm]
Excalibur -- O i c
[2024-8-12. : 1:22 pm]
dumbducky -- No, I'm not sure how I came across them. I had the tab open from before I went on paternity leave and when I returned I remembered 0 context
[2024-8-12. : 1:11 pm]
Excalibur -- dumbducky Cause this was p good
[2024-8-12. : 1:08 pm]
Excalibur -- also ducky was that band you posted your band or what?
[2024-8-11. : 7:36 pm]
Ultraviolet -- Feels like I'm witnessing half a conversation here
[2024-8-11. : 6:46 pm]
dumbducky -- Teenagers have been having fights including fights involving knives for eons. We do not need police to address these situations by showing up to the scene & using a weapon against one of the teenagers. Y’all need help. I mean that sincerely.
[2024-8-11. : 3:08 am]
dumbducky -- Sigh. Ok, I'm a dumbass. Believe it or not, my kids & I were trying to convince my wife that "tentacle porn" existed. I tried to find some to show her it was real. But I couldn't find any - & end up w/ this. My family reads my twitter feed, so they know this is true.
[2024-8-11. : 3:06 am]
dumbducky -- That was a real tweet from the US Ambassador to Afghanistan in 2020
[2024-8-11. : 1:36 am]
Excalibur -- Ducky did your account get hacked o_o
[2024-8-10. : 3:30 pm]
Zoan -- is dumbducky a bot

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Members Online: Excalibur