Island Tag
This was a map I made in a very short time out of sheer boredom. It was made within the course of an hour. I've edited it numerous times from the original, and it can get quite competitive and fun when you're playing with the right people.
(~) 64x64 map, but a 20x12 playing field (size of a screen). Was originally 20x12, but caused you to crash if you didn't play a game before it, which could get very annoying.
(~) 8 players.
(~) Force 1 (7 players) = Runners. Force 2 (1 player) = Original Tagger.
(~) No "genre" in particular, but people say it's like sharks and minnows.
(~) Jungle tileset.
(~) Open source.
(~) Completion: 100%
(~) Two game modes -- Border Patrol and Classic.
There are two "teams"; the runners and the taggers. The runners need to go from the left portion of the playing field to the right portion of the playing field. There's a catch, however. You also need to touch the middle before you go both directions in order to score a point. If you score seven points as a runner, you win. The opposing force is the taggers. The taggers are stuck on the island (which is only a rectangle of high dirt) and have to tag runners as they touch the plot of terrain. If you are tagged as a runner, you become one of them, gaining the ability to tag. The original tagger wins if his force tags all of the runners before they're successful in scoring eight points. Common strategies include faking out, "juking", and getting a buddy to distract taggers.
Border Patrol
Disclaimer: Not meant to discriminate against Mexicans

In "Border Patrol", like "Classic", there are two teams: Runners and taggers. However, in "Border Patrol" the arena is different. A narrow strip of land stretches from the middle of the top down to the middle of the bottom, so you need to pass through it to get to the other side. Due to it being thin, it's easier to outrun a small amount of opposers. However, since there is only one side you can pass through, this mode is a lot more difficult. As such, you only need to score four points as a runner. Taggers win, of course, if everyone gets tagged.
All of these screenshots were taken within two games. One of them was "Classic" before a few edits and one was in "Border Patrol" in the final version.

The briefing (it has a small text color animation before that).

In the beginning... Starting from the left. (Plus a text format that's totally not stolen from Tuxedo-Templar.)

Making my way to the "island" and touching it. (Plus the text explaining the game in the beginning D:<!)

Safe! Making my way to the right and touching it.

Going back now, touching the island along the way.


Oh no, blue got caught! Doom is imminent!

Just starting "Border Patrol".

I got across

Going back to the other side now...


Go blue!

Random peh peh!?! 8======D

Key word: Might.

I spoke too soon.
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EDITS August 26, 2009:
- Added notifications for if you touch the middle, grey, and all that jazz. I may make it so you can disable them.
- Added a new game mode -- "Border Patrol".
- Added a random option when you pick your game mode.
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Post has been edited 4 time(s), last time on Oct 3 2009, 12:28 am by lil-Inferno.