Before I play mind posting up some screenshots?
point previously made on the this forums, images tend to make people worry more about looks then anything else, and besids, how are you going to get any info on the play of the map by a screen
edit, downloading
Post has been edited 1 time(s), last time on Sep 4 2007, 4:22 am by kalmondo.
Before I play mind posting up some screenshots?
i cant do it right now but il do it later. But the maps worth the try.
ooooo lol its interesting to say the least
i look forward to upgrades done to this map. Keep up the good work!
Great map.Keep up the good work.
Great map.Keep up the good work.
Thanks ATG, I need ideas on what to add if you want.
The map is complete just might add something more, just gimme any suggestions and feedback. Thanks.
=O next time you go on .. Msg me and let's play it.. =D .. I'm too lazy to find ppl to play w/ me .. and i have Lat
EDIT: love your signature
Seems interesting. I'm downloading right now.