I consider myself a decent melee player, at best, but I would like to get better. I'm having a tough time beating Gold and Platinum players as protoss, so any help on countering certain builds will be appreciated. Does anyone have any tips or decent build orders for PvT, PvZ, and PvP? Thanks a lot!!
If you wish to know my account name or play me just shoot me a whisper.
It is obvious you did not use the search function, look through threads in this section or EVEN READ THE NAMES OF THE TEN TOP TOPICS.
Search is your friend, and you're making it very very sad. Think of your friends.
And just because I doubt you'd find the correct thread even with it, since apparently you lack eyesight, I'm just giving the address here:
http://www.staredit.net/topic/12244/Here is my livestream I just started. You can watch the games I've already played, there should be like 10-15 games on there:
My friend, diamond leaguer, likes to two gate and then tech void ray at a side of the base to surprise both zerg n toss players.. but mostly zerg.