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Kill Score Database...
Aug 15 2010, 9:11 pm
By: samsizzle  

Aug 15 2010, 9:11 pm samsizzle Post #1

Alright, so since the old wiki was deleted with all the tutorials that were actually valuable, I was wondering if anyone had a kill score database somewhere with all the scores for different units?


Aug 15 2010, 9:12 pm Wormer Post #2

DatEdit will help you. EDIT: Download here.


Aug 15 2010, 9:27 pm rockz Post #3

ᴄʜᴇᴇsᴇ ɪᴛ!
Since the old wiki was deletedmade difficult to access, the new wiki has at least a FEW good pages on it. What did you search for? Searching for "unit score" didn't really bring up much, but it at least brought up that page.

IMO, that list is infinitely more useful than any list we've ever had on SEN. I'll make a weapons page once we get solidified in our wiki (we don't really have enough members to maintain a wiki), unless someone else makes it.

"Parliamentary inquiry, Mr. Chairman - do we have to call the Gentleman a gentleman if he's not one?"

Aug 16 2010, 1:36 am samsizzle Post #4

Thanks guys. I searched for "Kill Score" and nothing interesting came up by the way.


Aug 16 2010, 6:23 pm Dem0n Post #5

ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ

An easier to read list of just kill scores is here.

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[01:55 am]
Vrael -- Right I forgot, maybe something more like: output_yr = getinternalengine().timecooker.timemethod.bake().steam().casserole().lookattheclockonthewall.converttotimezone.souvide().current().subtractepoch()
[11:56 pm]
l)ark_ssj9kevin -- Vrael
Vrael shouted: I mean, if you just used output_yr = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(time.time()).strftime("%Y") then you wouldnt have to log in and log off for the year and you'd save yourself a whole bunch of trouble
SEN is written in PHP so it's probably even more arcane than that
[11:32 am]
NudeRaider -- No, it's Corbo
[2025-1-13. : 10:41 pm]
Vrael -- is evildesk still working in the copyright office is that why
[2025-1-13. : 9:14 pm]
Ultraviolet -- request denied
[2025-1-13. : 8:02 pm]
Roy -- We have to go down to the copyright office and renew our registration before we're allowed to change the date on the site.
[2025-1-13. : 2:44 am]
Ultraviolet -- But then how can you pretend and bullshit yourself that you're going to make big wonderful changes?? Nope, manual entry is the only way
[2025-1-12. : 11:56 pm]
Vrael -- I mean, if you just used output_yr = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(time.time()).strftime("%Y") then you wouldnt have to log in and log off for the year and you'd save yourself a whole bunch of trouble
[2025-1-11. : 2:16 pm]
Ultraviolet -- Sounds about right ;)
[2025-1-11. : 12:35 pm]
Moose -- > Log in January 1. > "This is the year I'm really going to overhaul this website." > Change date in copyright footer. > Log off for the year.
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