Staredit Network > Forums > SC2 Assistance > Topic: 1) Publishing Disabled? & 2) Import Module
1) Publishing Disabled? & 2) Import Module
Aug 15 2010, 5:08 am
By: payne  

Aug 15 2010, 5:08 am payne Post #1


1) Publishing Disabled?
I was wondering if the Publishing system was disabled. I never managed to successfully publish my unlocked map privately as a minor edit (v0.1).

2) Import Module
When I looked into the Import module, I found 2 .SC2DATA folders. One named "Ko<KR>" or something like that and it contained 2 text files having some specifications about the map itself. Stuff like "Subtitle", some variable names, etc.
The other folder was a "En<EN>" one. It contained some kind of not-previewable file.
What the fuck is this mind-fuck? :S


Aug 17 2010, 3:27 am payne Post #2


No one can help? :(


Aug 17 2010, 3:54 am shmeeps Post #3

As far as I know, the publishing isn't disabled. I've managed to publish two maps that are private and a minor update. Are there any limiting factors being displayed (IE, map name is set to default, there are unsaved changes, can't connect to, or anything like that?).

As far as the second question, I don't have any clue. I'll try to look into it tonight. It may have something to do with localization?


Aug 17 2010, 4:59 am payne Post #4


Second question does have something to do with Localization. Whenever I want to try to publish the map, I must click on the "Use For All Locales" buttons so it doesn't supposedly interfere with some "??? ?? ????" Korean named map. I don't even know what this button does, but it fixed at least one problem. :P
After, when I try to publish, it stops at 63-64% and says the Header had something wrong.
One time, it went to 99% and said it was an Icon.tga file that had something wrong.



Aug 17 2010, 5:24 am shmeeps Post #5

Oh, header files. Those are like linker problems, you never know exactly what the problem is. From my experience, game variants can cause it. Can you post the exact error message?


Aug 17 2010, 6:21 am payne Post #6


There you go. :)
(I added the Publish window in background.)


Aug 17 2010, 7:31 am shmeeps Post #7

Do you have any Game Variant settings? All but one header corruption error that I've gotten has been due to corrupted (ironically, non-default) Game Variants. The main things you need to look out for, from what I understand:

Do not set any colors in the Game Variants, and especially do not lock them. You can change colors under Map->Player Properties
Do not set the Teams to 2 Teams, if you need 2 teams, set up the custom teams to do the same. Setting it to the default 2 teams seems to cause errors
Do not lock any Controller settings, unless it is a computer
Do not set or lock any Race settings. Do these under Map->Player Properties
Last but not least, if you don't absolutely need to change something, don't change it.

I'm not sure why, but the game variants seem very prone to damage. There was user-contributed documentation on the forums, but the forum is down, so we can't pull it up.

If this isn't the problem, let us know, and we can go from there.


Aug 17 2010, 6:25 pm payne Post #8


I had colors locked and a Teams [Premade].
Now I have this.

... still not working. :(


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