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ipod -> computer
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Nov 14 2007, 1:05 am
By: RoryFenrir  

Nov 14 2007, 1:05 am RoryFenrir Post #1

all right, i have an ipod, with 1700 songs and my old computer died and now i want to put my music on my new comp, so if you plug in your ipod, on mycomputer you can go into it then you go Ipod_control:Music then you drag the folders there onto your desktop and then drag them into itunes. This works, but the only problem is the song names are like KTAS.mp3 and stuf. So is there a way to transfer and still keep all the song names?


Nov 14 2007, 3:44 am RoryFenrir Post #2

oh nevermind, that works, its just the one song i tried happend to be the only one out of 1700 songs that's name is messed up


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