Protoss have come to the Temple and are threatening the new Cerebrates. Eliminate their leader Zeratul and keep the cerebrates alive.
Next Mission: Dark Templar have arrived. Stop them and kill their leader (Zeratul)
Beware, the Dark Templar can harm the Cerebrates. Ensure one of them survive!
Changelog: 1/9/22
- Changed Red AI from Insane to Easy Difficulty and now starts with preplaced structures and tech.
- Changed Yellow, Teal, and Red AI to Blue. While there are still 4 enemy AIs, they will appear as 1 instead.
- Changed Custom AI stargates from constantly producing scouts that immediately attack to "organized" scripted attacks. The structure will "appear" to be creating scouts (these scouts will never truly be made, if they somehow successfully make a scout, they will be destroyed). There will be a hidden timer which will create scouts and/or carriers should the required stargates be alive. These units will then move to 1 of 4 locations before grouping and attacking. (Carriers only have a "chance" to appear, replacing scouts and only appear later). These attacks will start small but gradually increase up to a maximum level. (starts a 3 scouts and builds up to 9 scouts or 3 scouts and 2 carriers. Each carrier represents 3 scouts worth)
- Added an additional base between the two Protoss bases. This was originally for a "custom AI" to expand to but decided was better to have the AI just be an easy AI since its harder for it to break.