Staredit Network > Starcraft I Database > File: Diplomacy or War 1939 BX3.4

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Diplomacy or War 1939 BX3.4
Filename: Diplomacy-Or-War-1939-BX3.45.scx
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File Information
Uploaded on:Oct 20 2017, 6:03 pm
Uploaded by:blitzburns4


Germany  Great Britain
Human (Terran)
Human (Terran)
France  USSR
Human (Terran)
Human (Terran)
Italy  Spain  Turkey
Human (Terran)
Human (Terran)
Human (Terran)
Neutral CountriesB-X3
Computer (Terran)

File Description
Take control of Germany, GB, France, Italy, Spain, Russia or Turkey. Make Alliances, make war and defeat everyone in your way!
Made by: Axis-Warrior and joos
BX By Killer2121
Tweaked by blitzburns44 & Shyguy2060
*Cameo by Meowkitten.

Edit Feb 9 2020

Dear all,

I'm officially ceasing development of this map for the indefinite future, as well as declaring myself inactive on battlenet. I'm in dire risk of failing out of school from what was supposed to be an easy 5th year...It's extremely unfortunate what's happening at my program and it feels like a betrayal by the school.

I'm still determined to try my best, though, which requires giving up hobbies such as this. Beyond that I'm going to need to get my own physical and mental health back together before I start gaming again. The balance of the map itself is at a good spot though. I've been tweaking over the last month or so since I posted from playtesting. Please still do check it out if you have the time.

I wish everyone well in their real-life endeavors.

- blitzburns4

Update September 23, 2018

Been awhile friends. Just posted version 3.4. Version 3.4 has been done a good amount of time now but I never got around to uploading it here on Staredit and SCNibbits. A lot of regulars online were able to download it when I was last active.

It's unfortunate that my old developer's log somehow got lost/deleted in the process of editing. It had had the entire history of this map's development up to where the comments below started. I'll try to summarize the gist of the major patches/changes from memory...But there's really nothing quite like the numbers and I'm sorry that I do not have access to the numbers of the last couple versions' changes. (I do not have access to SCMDraft while I am in school. My gaming desktop is hundreds of miles away!)

The major updates as of this version (which is 3.4) and 3.3 are to "fix" tanks, wraiths, battlecruisers, and missile turrets which had egregious balancing issues. Prior versions made big changes including operations' balance. (Operations are still unbalanced, but not egregiously so as in Vanilla BX3.), income disparity (which is now uniform across cities/capital cities) and country balance and a much better balancing of expo-routes. (Finland is easier on Russia, for example.) The Spanish Civil War, and white spawns in general, are balanced much better/more engaging in my versions than Vanilla. And finally- players leaving the game turns them white in my versions (including spawning units- countries in vanilla did not spawn period) Overall, I would argue that BX3.4 is the optimal version of 1939 to play here and now with the remaster; with the only obvious issues remaining being that A) operations are not an inherently balance-able game mechanic, and do not live up to many veterans' tastes coming off of versions like NV2 and B) it's still hard to get a consistent lobby of 7 players. But both of those issues are not new to 1939 and are much better handled in this version. Oh, and Ethiopia is a thing now.

Blizzard did everyone a favor and removed CCMU from the game engine. So there's that, too. To that end, there are two remaining goals looking forward for version 3.5 and 3.5 Final (Which, fair disclosure, are goals; neither of these may ever be accomplished sadly.)

Goal #1) An option a la Diplomacy Infi where players can deactivate operations.

Goal #2) A serviceable Artificial Intelligence that would "activate" to allow dynamic gameplay when a player leaves the game. (Or simply doesn't join the lobby.) The standard for the Artificial Intelligence would be an AI akin to WW3: The Soviet Enemy (easy mode) or Diplomacy SUPERGUN

Goal #2 is the main one my friend (Username: guy2060) and I have been trying to work into the game. And we've had some genuine progress! But honestly, adding an AI is taking more hours than every other prior feature combined. So I may try to switch gears to Goal #1 in the meantime. Guy is the actual technical expert and has contributed greatly to making this game much more fun/balanced over the last few versions. In fact- he taught me how to utilize ScmDraft 2!! Unfortunately, he and I are both at the same university and are both suffering in our respective majors for our senior year. So we're both very much inactive at the moment. But give me a month or two to wrap up school and I promise I'll be back at it!! In the meantime, please enjoy 3.4 and--if you're coming here for the first time--please give this 1939 version (which is a classic usermap that had an entire clan based around it!!) a try and I think you'll remember it being as or more glorious than you remember.

If you simply want to re-live the glory days without having to hop back in the saddle- also feel free to check out my Youtube Channel Here where I post a number of my lobbies (please subscribe!):

May the best Commander [or Diplomat] win!

- Blitzburns4

UPDATE 1/20/2020

Shugy and I have reconnected in college and are here to provided a tenative update!! Thank your patience hopefully there is more to come.
Big Picture Changes: Spain & Operations
- Updated the terrain that there are ramps for a lot of the mountainous areas (Africa, Turkey, Nordic, etc.)
- There is a mineral counter now in addition to the normal casualties inflicted counter, so players can spy whether an invasion/operation may be approaching.
- Africa is now nerfed with its gun-turrets. Each turret is now sitting at 40% health. So feel free to scramble for that one key city instead of feeling like its an impossible task without observer+tanks in terms of punishment.
- Spain Civil War revamped. It isn't just random hydra-spawns anymore, but an AI controlled locations that continuously spawns hydras until they are conquered. Three new cities were created in Spain itself so fighting the war and beating the AI duos as the "Expo" for Spain during the course of the war. Be warned! The fighting in this war is fierce and I've seen players lose...Are you up to the challenge?
- Most operations now require a condition to unlock, or otherwise have conditions that makes more sense. Germany has to conquer paris, for example, to get Operation Sea Lion (invasion of UK) and Operation Barborossa (Invasion of USSR). Spain has to conquer Gibraltar, Spain (now in UK hands) get get Operation Spanito. Turkey has to conquer Cario, Egypt to get Operation Turkey-Russia Invasion. France has to proc Torch (invasion of Africa) and conquer Tripoly, Lybia in order to get Operation Paratrooper. USSR gets its Operation Uranus if it loses Moscow (which is now a fortress in response to Barborossa+Typhoon abuse.)
- The balance/costs of these operations is updated.
- Various small balance changes around the map. For example, removing Turkey's vultures and replacing them with a few extra MGs and two more outdated tanks, nerfing the middle east (white computer)'s strength and repositioning Turkey's capital defense gun turret onto its eastern Bunker (where its much more useful).
- Ethiopia, Sweden, Finland, and Greece are all relatively comparable in terms of work-load now in terms of white defenses. All four feature a siege canon now.
- There are messages that provides players clues/instructions as the game goes on as to how to unlock their respective operations.
- France's magniot line is nerfed. It still has all four gun turrets but all of them are at 40% health now. I do want German-France fighting even if I don't want the outcome to be pre-determined!
- Wasserbung is now a German natural event, and was replaced with Operation Sea Lion, which unlocks after Operation Atlantic Wall is SET. (Used)

Future Goals:
- Battlecuriserse are a bit too weak now, which is fine given the prior issue in BX3 Vanilla of UK/Spain turtling/massing them. Hopefully we can continue to fine-tune them to be in a perfect sweet spot. Op Big Bang now only costs 12k from 17.5k
- Some players have expressed frustration at the costs of tanks and bunkers and have iterated they are too weak or unsatisfactory as well. I think the changes are a vast improvement over BX3 Vanilla, but Shyguy and I will continue to watch this issue and evaluate through playtesting.
- There are long-standing conventions to 1939 that we hope to integrate into Gameplay instead of relying of self-enforcement, for example, agreeing to a Permenant Alliance and NAPs. Players also dislike that the game itself does not provide initiatives/incentives for wars to happen more often. (Operations were meant to be a solution to this issue, partially, but in a fundamental sense Russia and Germany should usually always end up in conflict for example. If a Russia and Germany decide to act in alliance it ruins the whole lobby for many players.)
- We want Spain to be an "optional nation", given how difficult it is to fill a full 7-person lobby, and maybe even the UK too. We want to create a basic AI that will basically act as a terrorist nation if it either "wins" its civil war against Player 7 (orange) or even worse if Player 2 or Player 7 are not in the game to begin with. Currently, once about 60 hydras accumulate on Madrid the spawns "stop" and the 3 Zerg Lairs ("communist bases") self-destruct, stopping the continued Spawns so the game does not break.
- The Barborossa->Operation Uranus; Typhoon->Counter Typhoon; Turkey-Russia Invasion->Counter-Turkey Invasion series of operations and counter-operations is not satisfactory for many players, particularly Russia, whom feel it makes the game too gimmicky and operations-reliant for Russia and railroads the end-game. For now, Russia's various operations now all cost a standard 15k which is much more obtainable, with a slight buff to Molotov Ribbentrop too. On a broader level, Moscow is buffed to be an even greater fortress to help counter at least one of the three ops used assuming Russia does not have the funds handy. But this is an issue Shyguy and I are aware of but we don't really know the solution is at this point without just removing these ops. We're also discussing just removing all ops from BX3 or at least all the big ops that affect gameplay dramatically, or providing an in-game way of de-activating them at the game's start.
- Some players have expressed skepticism/frustration at the size of Africa, saying that the condensed nature of the map in NV2 or SE was beneficial for getting the game going quicker and having less cities made it so the economies were more evenly-distributed (for example, now Italy can be a superpower that is toe-to-toe with Germany) and also that the game's pacing was quicker and more intimate. Having played a lot of SE and NV2 back in the day, I'm not inclined to disagree with this point but reducing the map's size will not likely be the solution.
- Long term, we hope to migrate this map to Starcraft 2, (Most likely) Warcraft 3, Age of Empires, etc. We know many of these RTSes have dedicated/loyal communities and it would be nice to have some cross-pollination.
- We eventually hope to develop this into a game community with active discords/youtube/twitch content. That's impossible at the moment given we barely have been able to update it in over a year (courtesy of each of us being in a difficult major in college), but that is still a goal to have active engagement.
- Finally and not most importantly, we are aware that a lot of "conflict-map" competitive players (OP OTC, Certain Clans, etc.) consider 1939 childish for its balance issues and roleplay elements. The best we can say is we hope you play this game and evaluate for yourself its merits and that you see its unique value/place.

The Best,

Blitzburns4 & Shyguy

All Images

blitzburns4 wrote on Mar 17 2018, 10:32 pm:
BUG FIX 3/17 6:13 PM
OPERATION TORCH - Fixed activation error. [Activated at start of game.]
Commentary: I accidentally coded wrong again. This time, the intention of Torch was to activate upon the destruction of Paris. However, the game code starts as white and transfers to France. [Player 3] This basically means the game thought that the condition to activate was satisfied. I made a similar mistake with Operation Berlini. I've gone ahead and added a wait function of ten seconds to the code. Which should fix this issue.

blitzburns4 wrote on Mar 17 2018, 12:44 am:
BUG FIX 3/16 8:24 PM
OPERATION RUSSIA+Turkey INVASION - I accidentally coded the operation that EVERYONE IN THE MAP unallied/unvisioned Russia when this operation was used by Turkey. This was an important fix that I'm glad I caught. Reuploaded.
- Russia now correctly unallies/unvisions Germany when it launches OPERATION BARBOROSSA
- Russia now correctly unallies/unvisions Turkey when it launches OPERATION RUSSIA.
- France now correctly unallies and unvisions Spain when Spain uses OPERATION SPANITO
- Spain now correctly unvisions and unallies France when it uses OPERATION SPANITO.
Commentary: The trigger for the announcement, the execution, and the using of operations are all seperate. This is a case of trial and error where its kind of confusing just looking at it. Now I think I got it and know how to code this. I double checked that all announcements and effects of the triggers are in order for the recently affected operations.

blitzburns4 wrote on Mar 16 2018, 8:01 pm:
Mini update 03/16/18
- BUGFIX: German Siege Tanks [Artillary] weren't "Duke" Siege Tanks but Normal Siege Tanks. [Same Name] They still had 300 damage but took 4 supply from Germany and had only 3 armor vs Duke's 10. When upgraded, they also only got +5 damage instead of +10 per upgrade in damage. I went ahead and checked all the other Player siege tanks and Germany was the only one I messed up with.
- Buffed URANUS back to 35/35 Infantry per army. [Previously 33/32]
- Added a MG to Greek Bunker
- Added a MG to a Switz Bunker
- Added 2 MGs to Oil Wells Bunkers.
Commentary: Believe it or not, 4 MGs was what every bunker used to have in NV2 and SE. [Older versions of 1939 by different developers] It just seems more appropriate that bunkers defending beacons [Capital Cities] have 4 marines per bunker defending them.

blitzburns4 wrote on Mar 15 2018, 6:22 pm:
- OPERATION URANUS Nerfed Slightly. Now Spawns 33/32 Infantry instead of 40/40 between the two armies. I added 3 medics per army though.
- Fixed URANUS spawn location. Fixed URANUS spawn of Engineers (Probes) versus Workers (Scvs.) NOT SUPPOSED TO SPAWN PROBES!!

blitzburns4 wrote on Mar 15 2018, 4:53 pm:
Damn. Can't fit last important change in below comment.
- 3 Subsaharan African cities now have Capital Defenses. Rationale for this is that only players that knew they weren't there were favored. Otherwise it was too good of an early boone for players that knew versus players that didn't. Not to mention that this now favors a coastal scramble which is more in line with how SE/NV2 were.

blitzburns4 wrote on Mar 15 2018, 4:49 pm:
FURTHER CHANGES TO .208 3/15/18 12 PM [Repost with below Changes]
Commentary: I do feel that the DDAY and Barborossa Changes hurt the two countries somewhat. Especially now that Russia is stronger with URANUS. I went ahead and buffed both countries' main operations a little bit. I also nerfed Russia a bit and increased the price of the MOLOTOV-RIBBENTROP operation.
GERMANY OPERATION BARBOROSSA Now spawns 6 nazi soldiers and 3 medics per spawn [3 Spawns - Unchanged.]
- 2 MGs added to Portugal [To completely fill 2 bunkers.]
- Bunker added to North Sweden [To deter/slow Russian expo from that direction.]
- Ireland Capital Defense [Killed at beginning of the game by UK Forces] 100% Health --> 65% Health [Helps UK Early game a little.]
- UK OPERATION BIG BANG: Now Spawns 6 Fighter Jets with the main spawn of 5 bombers
- UK OPERATION BIG BANG: Now mutually unallies/unvisions UK/Germany

- Changed the text to reflect the changed unlock precondition.
- Now is opened when someone annihilates/Claims Paris. The current condition of African possession being destroyed is silly because France is the dominant power in the African continent anyways. But now if France loses Paris at least the player can unlock his second operation. As it stands its almost never used anyways.
- Edited opening game display to show that Shyguy and I [blizburns44] were reponsible for bx3.208
- POTENTIAL GLITCH/TEST: Possible Victory Condition? I set allied victory to all forces and turned off allied victory for white. Maybe this will allow for allied victory when tabbed on? ITS POSSIBLE THIS WILL END GAME WHEN IT START. WILL PLAYTEST!
Ethopia Change
- Capital Defenses readjusted to be in a "line" leading up to the strategic points. This should make Ethopia easiest to micro through its entirety.
- Deleted the Hydralisk [African Warrior] Guardian the Pylon to its side.
- A

blitzburns4 wrote on Mar 15 2018, 4:32 pm:
FURTHER CHANGES TO .208 3/15/18 12 PM [Repost with below Changes]
Commentary: I do feel that the DDAY and Barborossa Changes hurt the two countries somewhat. Especially now that Russia is stronger with URANUS. I went ahead and buffed both countries' main operations a little bit. I also nerfed Russia a bit and increased the price of the MOLOTOV-RIBBENTROP operation.
GERMANY OPERATION BARBOROSSA Now spawns 6 nazi soldiers and 3 medics per spawn [3 Spawns - Unchanged.]
- 2 MGs added to Portugal [To completely fill 2 bunkers.]
- Bunker added to North Sweden [To deter/slow Russian expo from that direction.]
- Ireland Capital Defense [Killed at beginning of the game by UK Forces] 100% Health --> 65% Health [Helps UK Early game a little.]
- UK OPERATION BIG BANG: Now Spawns 6 Fighter Jets with the main spawn of 5 bombers
- UK OPERATION BIG BANG: Now mutually unallies/unvisions UK/Germany

- Changed the text to reflect the changed unlock precondition.
- Now is opened when someone annihilates/Claims Paris. The current condition of African possession being destroyed is silly because France is the dominant power in the African continent anyways. But now if France loses Paris at least the player can unlock his second operation. As it stands its almost never used anyways.
- Edited opening game display to show that Shyguy and I [blizburns44] were reponsible for bx3.208
- POTENTIAL GLITCH/TEST: Possible Victory Condition? I set allied victory to all forces and turned off allied victory for white. Maybe this will allow for allied victory when tabbed on? ITS POSSIBLE THIS WILL END GAME WHEN IT START. WILL PLAYTEST!
Ethopia Change
- Capital Defenses readjusted to be in a "line" leading up to the strategic points. This should make Ethopia easiest to micro through its entirety.
- Deleted the Hydralisk [African Warrior] Guardian the Pylon to its side. N

blitzburns4 wrote on Mar 15 2018, 4:26 pm:
Edited opening game display to show that Shyguy and I [blizburns44] were reponsible for bx3.208

blitzburns4 wrote on Mar 15 2018, 4:22 pm:
Possible Victory Condition? I set allied victory to all forces and turned off white. Maybe this will allow for allied victory when tabbed on?

blitzburns4 wrote on Mar 15 2018, 4:17 pm:
Ethopia Change
- Capital Defenses readjusted to be in a "line" leading up to the strategic points
- Deleted the Hydralisk [African Warrior] Guardian the Pylon to its side. Now it can maybe be "snipable" by a fighter plane.
- Added 3 gun turrets to the 3 African Expo cities that don't have them. This now means that all of Subsaharan Africa is standardized.

blitzburns4 wrote on Mar 15 2018, 4:12 pm:
QUALITY OF LIFE CHANGE: Paradrop planes [Zerg Queen] and Operation Planes [Protoss Shuttle] now have like 2k hitpoints so players dont have to worry about them being killed en-route to triggering operation.

blitzburns4 wrote on Mar 15 2018, 4:07 pm:

blitzburns4 wrote on Mar 15 2018, 4:07 pm:
FURTHER CHANGES TO .208 3/15/18 12 PM
Commentary: I do feel that the DDAY and Barborossa Changes hurt the two countries somewhat. Especially now that Russia is stronger with URANUS. I went ahead and buffed both countries' main operations a little bit. I also nerfed Russia a bit and increased the price of the MOLOTOV-RIBBENTROP operation.
GERMANY OPERATION BARBOROSSA Now spawns 6 nazi soldiers and 3 medics per spawn [3 Spawns - Unchanged.]
- 2 MGs added to Portugal [To completely fill 2 bunkers.]
- Bunker added to North Sweden [To deter/slow Russian expo from that direction.]
- Ireland Capital Defense [Killed at beginning of the game by UK Forces] 100% Health --> 65% Health [Helps UK Early game a little.]
- UK OPERATION BIG BANG: Now Spawns 6 Fighter Jets with the main spawn of 5 bombers
- UK OPERATION BIG BANG: Now mutually unallies/unvisions UK/Germany

- Changed the text to reflect the changed unlock precondition.
- Now is opened when someone annihilates/Claims Paris. The current condition of African possession being destroyed is silly because France is the dominant power in the African continent anyways. But now if France loses Paris at least the player can unlock his second operation. As it stands its almost never used anyways.

blitzburns4 wrote on Mar 15 2018, 8:06 am:

blitzburns4 wrote on Mar 15 2018, 8:02 am:
Further Commentary: Some quick thoughts.

First, I started a Youtube Channel by which to stream!! (Yay!!)

Second, I need to review some gameplay mechanics with Shyguy. I want to further try and develop triggers to maybe be chance-based somehow. I need to figure out if RNG is a thing in usermaps.

Second, a huge change for this map would be to fiugre out some sort of win condition. There are some obvious balance issues still lingering. And more important I'm worried that gameplay will become stale as players figure out expansion routes.
Third, a gameplay-based alliance permanent alliance system. The conventions are extremely confusing to roleplay at times. And also a better methodology for "beating" players and kicking them out of the game instead of hunting down every last building.

Finally- perhaps the grandest ambition for this mode is a functioning Artificial Intelligence that can make this game more dynamic.

blitzburns4 wrote on Mar 15 2018, 7:56 am:
3/15/18 UPDATE .208!! - BUFFS TO RUSSIA!! [Change to Operation Uranus!]
Quality of Life Change: Donations are now 1000 minerals instead of 500 per transfer.
Germany Nerf: Germany cannot just float a building over Paris and get OPERATION BARBOROSSA and OPERATION ATLANTIC WALL. It needs to annihilate all buildings and units around Paris. France and Germany are welcome to coordinate and become allies. But getting those quintessential Operations will no longer so easy.
England OPERATION DDAY 12k--->15k
Quality of Life Russia/Turkey: Turkey Invasion now automatically unallies and unvisions Russia. Russia likewise automatically unallies and unvisions Turkey.
BUFF: Counter Typhoon Operation: 30k---->25k
* Now only unlocks after Operation Barb. is used by Germany
* Cost increased from 10k ---> 20k
* Spawns two armies Northeast and Southeast of Moscow. Attack Moves to Warsaw [Which results in Pincer movement around Germany armies advancing towards moscow.]
* Spawns TWO ARMIES of 35 infantry, [Previously 20] 20 MGS, [Previously 10] 6 Tanks, 2 scvs, [Previously 0] PER ARMY! [Previously 1 army.]

Commentary: I strongly believe that Germany is just a little too good at this stage. And Russia is the obvious fight that Germany needs to contend with end game. This should make things more balanced overall, considering Germany should have such a large cash inflow compared to Russia.

blitzburns4 wrote on Jan 2 2018, 6:27 am:
1/2/18 Tweaks
- Nerfed France two capital defense turrets over Paris and Italy border from 100% health to 35% health. I also reduced the extra Anti Air turrets in Normandy from 2 to 1.

Commentary. The primary focus of those turrets is to prevent bum rushes on the border or backstabs, given France is the most precariously placed nation. However, currently its defenses are just too strong against Drops and Germany Bum rushes. The Magniot line was always the focus. My insticts told me to delete the extra capital defenses and just have the magniot, but this is a compromise of sorts that, ideally, should make for more engaging European conflicts in Continential France instead of turtling.

blitzburns4 wrote on Jan 1 2018, 4:12 am:
12/31/17 .207 UPDATE CONTINUED
This tweak focuses primarily on the price of operations.
Wenesberg now costs 5k. (Prev. 4K)
Greece now costs 15k (Prev 12k)
Atlantic Wall now costs 4k (Prev 4.5k)
Avalanche now costs 8500k. (Prev. 7k.)
Uranus now costs 10k (Prev 11k.)
Iron Curtain now costs 6k (Prev 10k.)
Rommel Now costs 7500. (Prev 9k.)
- Also added a couple ghosts to Poland. (+2 Partisans.)
- Added 3 rifle infantry to Middle east. (+3 Rifle Infantry.)

blitzburns4 wrote on Jan 1 2018, 3:28 am:
12/31/17 - Happy New Years
Sorry- hopefully this is the last tweak of .207
- Reduced the production time of wraiths by another 5% (15% reduced from BX3 and 100 less minerals from BX3)
- I changed the Polish Jew spawn at Warsaw to just spawn 2 MGs like every other lesser capital in Europe.
- I changed the name of the Polish Jew unit to Polish Partisan, as well as the corresponding operation/rebellion.
- I gave Turkey an extra Outdated Tank and Light Tank to help it roll over the middle east a little faster.
- I moved the doodad at Instanbul so its out of the way of incoming troops. I also updated the tiles on the bridge for this same purpose. (So pathing should be better, previously it was borderline glitch.)
- I updated/nerfed Finland so its not as much of a nightmare. The first 3 canons are under power from the first (snipable) pylon. The first capital defense was reduced by 50% health too.
Sorry! Hopefully this is the last one. These suggestions were made by Soviet_Savior, the best diplo 1939 player I know.

blitzburns4 wrote on Dec 28 2017, 4:34 am:
Commentary/Review of Recent Changes - Compiled Comment
- Berlini spawns 50 Infantry West Germany, 50 Infantry South Germany, 10 tanks in respective spawns. and 36 MGs on Berlin for a price of 25k.
- Operation Atlantic Wall now costs 4.5k and auto-loades the bunkers. There are now 24 machine gunners that spawn along with the operation.
- Operation Husky is fixed and spawns a moderate army of 30 Infantry, 10 Rifle Infantry, 5 tanks, and 2 workers in Southern Italy whereas it didn't previously. This is in addition to the 6 battlecruisers and 10 Infantry, 5 flamethrower infantry, 1 tank, and 1 worker that spawn in Sicily that worked previously.
- The German Operation Barborossa now is buffed to not feel nearly as weak. In the 3 waves that Spawn in russia each was buffed by turning the infantry into MGs and increasing the number of tanks from 3 to 5; the number of MGs from 15 to 25, and having the north spawn of Germans spawn 35.
- The German Poland Attack was increased by 10 machine gunners, 3 Nazi Soldiers, and 5 infantry. This is in addition to making the two polish gun turrets 50% health. This is to compensate for the fact Germany is harshly harassed by the Polish rebellion--especially against its infantry. Germany should be the biggest/strongest throughout the game.
- Germany's base was reorganized and stacked. Extra couple loaded bunkers were added to East Berlin.
- 3 gun turrets were added to Low countries. The Gun turret on Switz capital was made 100% health from 50%.
- Russia was buffed with extra infantry [6 infantry], 2 outdated tanks, and bunker on Moscow, but loses a tank in its baltic spawn. It also has to deal with extra infantry loaded into the bunkers in Baltics.
- France's magniot line was buffed. Every nation pretty much got a few extra soldiers [1-5 soldiers added.]
- Russia's Leningrad city is now a fortress. There is a capital defense, , five strategic points, and a siege.
- Moscow is the most

blitzburns4 wrote on Dec 28 2017, 4:19 am:
Continued from previous comment.
- Fixed French glitch where it owned gun turret in belgium.
- Buffed Operation Berlini by adding 36 MGs in location that had no spawn.

blitzburns4 wrote on Dec 27 2017, 11:21 pm:
UPDATE 12/27/17
- Reorganized German buildings.
- Added a factory. [Two total]
- Added attachments to both factories.
- Shifted a German income-related location to East Germany [it was unmarked] and gave it a doodad.
- Nerfed Price of Operation Berlini from 18k to 25k Minerals.
- Buffed Operation Barborossa Northern Spawn by 10 MGs.
- Added an extra bunker to Paris
- Added a capital defense and supply to the Magniot line.
- Added a marine to Spain
- Added a Bunker + 4 MGs to Moscow's defenses
- Added an extra 2 Outdated Tanks and 6 Infantry to Moscow's troops.
- Reduced Baltic Tank Spawn from 7 to 6.
- Added a Bunker+4 Machine Gunners to Eastern Istanbul.
- Added anti-air turret to Western Turkey.
- Added anti-air turret to Southern Italy boot and stacked the supply depot there.
- Added 2 tanks to Balkins. Added an extra bunker to Yugoslavia to better separate Austria from Checkslovkia.
- Added 3 half-health capital defenses to Low Countries.

blitzburns4 wrote on Dec 20 2017, 9:30 am:
Just for Brevity's sake...
- Went back and edited 10 extra MG's AND 3 Nazi Soldiers to the Poland German Attack Spawn.
- Went back and edited the Health of the Capital Defense from 55% to 50%
- Went back and made Barborossa's MG spawns 25 total from 22.
Commentary: This, I think, makes the Poland Spawn something that doesn't leave Germany feeling drained. I'd rather Germany be on the Strong side than the weak side this early given what the Poland rebellion does to Germany's infantry in the area.

blitzburns4 wrote on Dec 20 2017, 9:13 am:
Continued from below (12/20/17)
- Fixed Player 2 OPERATION HUSKY. Units now Spawn in Italy Attack. [30 Infantry, 10 Rifle Infantry, 2 Workers, and 5 Tanks. Along with the functional Sicility Attack.
- Went back and added 4 men to every bunk in Baltics. (So five extra infantry total.)
- Went back and edited the doodads in Low Country area. (Removed two) and stacked bunker for better placement.
- CCMU no longer is a factor and has been patched out courtesy of Blizzard.

blitzburns4 wrote on Dec 20 2017, 8:57 am:
UPDATE 12/20/17
- Added two rifle infantry and a marine to Baltics
- Added two Machine Gunners to the two bunkers defending the capital city of Sweden.
- Lowered health of two Poland Gun Turrets to 55%. (Previously 100%)
- Added auto-load Machine Gunners to Atlantic Wall (24 MGs total added.)
- Added two extra bunker spawns in Low Countries (6 extra bunkers.)
- Lowered cost of Atlantic Wall to $4000
- Operation Wenesburg [Attacks Norway] Operation now Spawns 15 Machine Gunners and 2 Tanks [Previously 12 Infantry and 1 Tank]. Added 2 infantry in Danmark attack spawn in same operatioN. [Total 12, previously 10.]
- Operation Barborossa buffed. [First German operation that attacks Russia]. Now spawns 22 Machine Gunners and 5 Tanks. [Previously 15 infantry and 4 tanks.] in each of the three attack spawns.
- Operation Berlini no logner requires Player 3 [Teal] to lose Paris in addition to Player 1 [Red] losing Berlin. The operation is activated when Germany loses Berlin.
- Operation Spanito [Spain Offensive upon losing Africa] spawns 25 infantry, 25 MGs, and 6 Tanks in its two spawns. [Previously 20 Infantry, 16 MGs, and 4 Tanks].

Commentary: Just some moderate buffs to Germany. I had an intense game with an equally skilled player and I felt that Germany didn't quite have the edge it needed to early and middle game. Given that Russia's spawn now attacks the Baltics. I figured I'd even the balance just a little bit back in Germany's favor through nerfs to Poland and quality of life buffs to its operations. In particular- Berlini requiring Teal to lose Paris was silly in my opinion. And Barborossa by and large feels like the worst operation in the game. Given that I want these games to remain competitive between USSR and Germany, I didn't make Barborossa lopsided, but I did give it a significant buff in turning the infantry into MGs. Hopefully now it doesn't feel like a waste of an operation in order to get to Typhoon.

[06:47 am]
NudeRaider -- lil-Inferno
lil-Inferno shouted: nah
[05:41 am]
Ultraviolet -- 🤔 so inf is in you?
[04:57 am]
O)FaRTy1billion[MM] -- my name is mud
[04:35 am]
Ultraviolet -- mud, meet my friend, the stick
[10:07 pm]
lil-Inferno -- nah
[08:36 pm]
Ultraviolet -- Inf, we've got a job for you. ASUS has been very naughty and we need our lil guy to go do their mom's to teach them if they fuck around, they gon' find out
[05:25 pm]
NudeRaider -- there he is, right on time! Go UV! :D
[05:24 pm]
lil-Inferno -- poopoo
[05:14 pm]
UndeadStar -- I wonder if that's what happened to me. A returned product (screen) was "officially lost" for a while before being found and refunded. Maybe it would have remained "lost" if I didn't communicate?
[03:36 pm]
NudeRaider -- :lol:
Please log in to shout.

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