Destruction - First Contact RPG
Beta version(s) up at bottom

You play as a regular, standard soldier with a helmet, kevlar vest and a gun. You are that stereotypical "lucky" soldier who survives everything. The group [Best played 3-5 people] moves throughout the Rocky Mountains in Colorado to stop an alien force larger than any army Earth has ever had from eradicating your homeworld. The enemy is strong, but in numbers and with teamwork you're stronger. The enemy is relatively close to your stats, so watch how you play.
The terrain is windy, wild, and in some parts, narrow to reenact the terrain of mountains. You can use cover (trees or rocks) which are everywhere to aid you in the battle, giving you the upper hand.
The terrain is windy, wild, and in some parts, narrow to reenact the terrain of mountains. You can use cover (trees or rocks) which are everywhere to aid you in the battle, giving you the upper hand.
Things to remember while playing;
-The enemy has almost the same health and relatively the same damage, so it's not easy to kill them.
-Microing is a good idea, although when you have 3-5 players you need to play smart and use teamwork.
-Listen to advice given by the NPCs or mission objectives
-Microing is a good idea, although when you have 3-5 players you need to play smart and use teamwork.
-Listen to advice given by the NPCs or mission objectives
Background Story

The Story
The year is 2012 and Earth is recovering from years of a world war. The new military is united at last; the UNMU - United Nations Military Union. During reconstruction of mankind, a new threat emerges. An extraterrestrial one. Immediatley tens of millions join the UNMU and prepare to fight off the aliens from their planet. On December 12th, 2012, the war begins. Within days millions die on both sides and cities are leveled. Months pass and more die. By March 13th, 2013, 20% of the Earth's population is gone and over 10% of the land masses are destroyed, glassed, or charred. But on March 21st, a new hope for mankind emerges. The UNMU plan a massive counter strike task force. a week later it's launched and the second mass killing begins on both ends. A week after it started, it ended as a failure.
Months pass and the UNMU has broken. Only guerilla military forces remain scattered, protecting civillians in high mountains, deep caves, or dense forests, hiding. On September 13th, 2013, 4 continents are destroyed and 90% of the Earth's population has been eradicated. Only around 300 million remain, fighting to keep their planet. Yesterday, November 6th, 2013, the remaining military forces of the United States and Canada have launched a last-ditch effort campaign in the western U.S.A. 10 Million soldiers were sent out on a campeign against an estimated 500 million alien soldiers. At 06:00 A.M., the war in the Rocky Mountains started.
Captain Ryan and his team were sent out as one of the first squads to start the attack. Their helicopter was shot out of the sky along with 6 others, and already the enemy surrounds them. The Earth's remainging air fleet under the command of the North American forces was launched in the Rockies, as support. Thousands of halo teams in jump pods have been launched. Unfortunatley, nearly all of them were taken out in the sky, while the survivors were ambushed on the ground.
You are in the shoes a regular Marine at the rank of private in Captain Ryan's squad. You are among the few that can still fight well, and you're his task force that is sent out to do reconnisence.
Months pass and the UNMU has broken. Only guerilla military forces remain scattered, protecting civillians in high mountains, deep caves, or dense forests, hiding. On September 13th, 2013, 4 continents are destroyed and 90% of the Earth's population has been eradicated. Only around 300 million remain, fighting to keep their planet. Yesterday, November 6th, 2013, the remaining military forces of the United States and Canada have launched a last-ditch effort campaign in the western U.S.A. 10 Million soldiers were sent out on a campeign against an estimated 500 million alien soldiers. At 06:00 A.M., the war in the Rocky Mountains started.
Captain Ryan and his team were sent out as one of the first squads to start the attack. Their helicopter was shot out of the sky along with 6 others, and already the enemy surrounds them. The Earth's remainging air fleet under the command of the North American forces was launched in the Rockies, as support. Thousands of halo teams in jump pods have been launched. Unfortunatley, nearly all of them were taken out in the sky, while the survivors were ambushed on the ground.
You are in the shoes a regular Marine at the rank of private in Captain Ryan's squad. You are among the few that can still fight well, and you're his task force that is sent out to do reconnisence.
Map Progress

Triggers: 100%
Terrain: 100%
Story: 100%
Objectives [In-Game]: 100%
Units: 100%
Progress: 100%
Terrain: 100%
Progress: 100%
Story: 100%
Progress: 100%
Objectives [In-Game]: 100%
Progress: 100%
Units: 100%
Progress: 100%
Acts I-IV

Acts in this RPG
Act I: Awakening
The human resistance forces just launched their attack in the rocky mountains. With things looking bad right away, the UNMU forces need some kind of randevouz to rebuild their forces. Soldiers die side by side in this action-packed act. This act is full of rescuing other squads, assaulting locations, preparing for the next move, and meeting the enemy for the first time.
Act II: Hidden
The human forces have moved forward in their assault and things are turning for the better; that is until an unexpected wall of enemy resistance arrives on cue to eliminate anything that passes by. With the human forces once again scattered on the front lines, and the reinforcements back at the previous location setting camp, the resistance line must be taken down. This act is full of sneaking by patrols, assaulting the front line resistance, and an unexpected event that changes your mission entirely.
Act III: Seeing Shadows
The resistance line is gone, the enemy has retreated for an unexpected reason, and your new objective must be met. Inside an old remote building, the search is on. This is act is all about puzzles and another unexpected event that leaves the team short one.
Act IV: Final Strike
The enemy is helpless, your force is strong. You move to the final location of the campiegn: the fight with the alien General. As the battle ends your victory is shattered by the most destructive weapon known to man. This act is the full assault on the enemies last position.
The human resistance forces just launched their attack in the rocky mountains. With things looking bad right away, the UNMU forces need some kind of randevouz to rebuild their forces. Soldiers die side by side in this action-packed act. This act is full of rescuing other squads, assaulting locations, preparing for the next move, and meeting the enemy for the first time.
Act II: Hidden
The human forces have moved forward in their assault and things are turning for the better; that is until an unexpected wall of enemy resistance arrives on cue to eliminate anything that passes by. With the human forces once again scattered on the front lines, and the reinforcements back at the previous location setting camp, the resistance line must be taken down. This act is full of sneaking by patrols, assaulting the front line resistance, and an unexpected event that changes your mission entirely.
Act III: Seeing Shadows
The resistance line is gone, the enemy has retreated for an unexpected reason, and your new objective must be met. Inside an old remote building, the search is on. This is act is all about puzzles and another unexpected event that leaves the team short one.
Act IV: Final Strike
The enemy is helpless, your force is strong. You move to the final location of the campiegn: the fight with the alien General. As the battle ends your victory is shattered by the most destructive weapon known to man. This act is the full assault on the enemies last position.
Allies and Enemies

The players' marine has slightly modified stats to make it possible to beat the RPG.
Player Marine [Modified Marine]
Health: 380 Damage: 14+2(x5) = 24 total Armor: 2+2
Same effectiveness as basic Marines.
Health: 380 Damage: 14+2(x5) = 24 total Armor: 2+2
Same effectiveness as basic Marines.
There are 14 different units in the game that react and fight:
Marine [Marine]
Health: 380 Damage: 14+2 Armior: 2
The basic assault unit for the human forces. Quick and powerful in numbers, highly effective when in small groups.
Health: 380 Damage: 14+2 Armior: 2
The basic assault unit for the human forces. Quick and powerful in numbers, highly effective when in small groups.
Corporal [Ghost]
Health: 445 Damage: 17+2 Armor: 2
The next level up for the human forces. Effective when combined with marines and held back for support.
Health: 445 Damage: 17+2 Armor: 2
The next level up for the human forces. Effective when combined with marines and held back for support.
H.M.U. (Heavy Mech Assault Unit) [Goliath]
Health: 525 Damage: 164+15 Armor: 15
The second most powerful vehicle left in the human arsenal. Players drive this once where marines would die quickly. Effective in wide groups.
Health: 525 Damage: 164+15 Armor: 15
The second most powerful vehicle left in the human arsenal. Players drive this once where marines would die quickly. Effective in wide groups.
Tank [Siege Tank]
Health: 1050 Damage: 227+32 Armor: 25
The most powerful vehicle in the human arsenal. Players do not drive this. Effective in all situations.
Health: 1050 Damage: 227+32 Armor: 25
The most powerful vehicle in the human arsenal. Players do not drive this. Effective in all situations.
Sergeant [Firebat]
Health: 480 Damage: 12(x2)+1 Armor: 3
Only one Sergeant is in the game.
Health: 480 Damage: 12(x2)+1 Armor: 3
Only one Sergeant is in the game.
Captain Ryan [Jim Raynor]
Health: 680 Damage: 22+4 Armor: 4
Leader of the player's squad.
Health: 680 Damage: 22+4 Armor: 4
Leader of the player's squad.
Alien #0127 [Zergling]
Health: 245 Damage: 7+1 Armor: 1
The main infantry of the enemy. Effective in large numbers, try to avoid groups or at least separate them out.
Health: 245 Damage: 7+1 Armor: 1
The main infantry of the enemy. Effective in large numbers, try to avoid groups or at least separate them out.
Alien #0192 [Hydralisk]
Health: 380 Damage: 23+2 Armor: 1
The leaders of small groups, very powerful in numbers. Again, try to avoid/separate these guys.
Health: 380 Damage: 23+2 Armor: 1
The leaders of small groups, very powerful in numbers. Again, try to avoid/separate these guys.
Alien #0091 [Ultralisk]
Health: 680 Damage: 56+6 Armor: 3
One of the more powerful units you fight. Use micro to beat them.
Health: 680 Damage: 56+6 Armor: 3
One of the more powerful units you fight. Use micro to beat them.
Alien #1209 [Hunter Killer]
Health: 420 Damage: 38+3 Armor: 2
The elite infantry of the alien forces.
Health: 420 Damage: 38+3 Armor: 2
The elite infantry of the alien forces.
Infected Soldier [Infested Duran]
Health: 445 Damage: 17+1 Armor: 2
Human soliders that were turned by alien technology and forced to fight.
Health: 445 Damage: 17+1 Armor: 2
Human soliders that were turned by alien technology and forced to fight.
Hijacked H.M.U. (Heavy Mech Assault Unit) [Alan]
Health: 560 Damage: 44+1 Armor: 3
Infected soldiers driving H.M.U.'s.
Health: 560 Damage: 44+1 Armor: 3
Infected soldiers driving H.M.U.'s.
Hijacked Tank [Edmund Duke]
Health: 1200 Damage: 67+3 Armor: 3
Infected soldiers driving tanks.
Health: 1200 Damage: 67+3 Armor: 3
Infected soldiers driving tanks.
General Cray [Devouring One]
Health: 940 Damage: 24+1 Armor: 6
The leader of the alien forces. Final fight with him at the end.
Health: 940 Damage: 24+1 Armor: 6
The leader of the alien forces. Final fight with him at the end.
There are 4 other units that do not fight but are active in the game.
Cvillian [Civillian]
Health: 240 Damage: N/A Armor: 0
Just a civillian.
Health: 240 Damage: N/A Armor: 0
Just a civillian.
Helicopter [Dropship]
Health: 1500 Damage: N/A Armor: 25
Basic Transport for human forces.
Health: 1500 Damage: N/A Armor: 25
Basic Transport for human forces.
Medic [Medic]
Health: 360 Damage: N/A Armor: 1
Only one available for use in the field, limited supplies [only 7 times you can heal with this medic].
Health: 360 Damage: N/A Armor: 1
Only one available for use in the field, limited supplies [only 7 times you can heal with this medic].
Alien Dropship [Shuttle]
Health: 1500 Shields: 0 Damage: N/A Armor: 25
Basic alien transportation.
Health: 1500 Shields: 0 Damage: N/A Armor: 25
Basic alien transportation.
There are also those fly-by units that no one notices but help the game with detail.
- Heavy Bomber [Battlecruiser]
- F-16 fighter (The only available fighter since the new ones have been destroyed) [Wraith]
- Halo Drop Pod (Carries 3 marines or 1 vehicle) [Valkyrie]
- F-16 fighter (The only available fighter since the new ones have been destroyed) [Wraith]
- Halo Drop Pod (Carries 3 marines or 1 vehicle) [Valkyrie]

Features include:
- Detailed in-game cinematics
- Music/loop files to add to the mood of the game
- Active A.I. [Basically, the units don't disappear and reappear during the gameplay, but they walk and have their own actions]
- Hidden medkits/easter eggs for fun
- Extreme terrain detail
- As close to balanced as possible unit ratios
- In-game fly-by's by aircraft [For example, in the very beggining if you go fast enough, 3 dropships fly by which are the three that you arrive to later].
- Active Hiding [You move = you're found] on certain parts
- HMU Driving [While driving an HMU, your unit can be attacked inside the vehicle if the enemies outside are there long enough to break in. If your unit on the inside dies, the HMU dies. If the HMU dies, your unit comes out at its location].
- Secure rescues (All enemy units near the squad must be dead or moved to rescue the team).
- Detailed in-game cinematics
- Music/loop files to add to the mood of the game
- Active A.I. [Basically, the units don't disappear and reappear during the gameplay, but they walk and have their own actions]
- Hidden medkits/easter eggs for fun
- Extreme terrain detail
- As close to balanced as possible unit ratios
- In-game fly-by's by aircraft [For example, in the very beggining if you go fast enough, 3 dropships fly by which are the three that you arrive to later].
- Active Hiding [You move = you're found] on certain parts
- HMU Driving [While driving an HMU, your unit can be attacked inside the vehicle if the enemies outside are there long enough to break in. If your unit on the inside dies, the HMU dies. If the HMU dies, your unit comes out at its location].
- Secure rescues (All enemy units near the squad must be dead or moved to rescue the team).
Screenshots and beta information

Some Screenies:

The beggining screen: breif after the crash.

The first message from Sergeant Ryan calling out for help.

Drop teams attacked upon landing.

The enemy attacks Sergeant Ryan's position.

Battle at another squad's location.

Captain Ryan's orders of attack.

1) Air strike support conducted by fighters to take out an enemy outpost.
2) After the strike.
2) After the strike.
Beta version below. If any problems, bugs, glitches etc. contact me here and please be detailed on where the bug is and what it is.
Second Beta version is also below, it has the extended texts. If any problems, bugts, glitches, etc, tell me immediatley I'll attempt to fix them. If the texts are extended for you, tell me right away. Thanks for all the help SEN!
Third beta is up and posted, again any problems please contact me as soon as possible so i can fix them. Obviously cecil put the upgrades to my attention. THEY'RE FIXED! I will be posting the new map very soon and having it reuploaded so you all can get the most recent map.
Post has been edited 38 time(s), last time on Mar 14 2010, 1:51 am by Marine.