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Destruction - First Contact
Aug 24 2009, 11:42 pm
By: Marine
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Aug 24 2009, 11:42 pm Marine Post #1

Destruction - First Contact RPG

Beta version(s) up at bottom


Background Story

Acts I-IV

Allies and Enemies


Screenshots and beta information

Hits: 10 Size: 4673.97kb
D-FC Beta v3.scx
Hits: 125 Size: 4662.65kb
D-FC Beta v2.scx
Hits: 7 Size: 4659.11kb
D-FC Beta v1.scx
Hits: 13 Size: 4661.18kb

Post has been edited 38 time(s), last time on Mar 14 2010, 1:51 am by Marine.


Aug 25 2009, 12:34 am Ahli Post #2

I do stuff and thingies... Try widening and reducing the number of small nooks and crannies to correct the problem.

Since you are nearly done (progress), I assume that you can stick with the rules and post some screenshots that this map exists. :)

Any special features?
Any cool mechanics ingame or just a run and kill everything rpg?

Aug 25 2009, 12:38 am Marine Post #3

I'm still working on the post, give me an hour you'll have plenty of screenies trust me I finally figured it out


Aug 25 2009, 12:40 am New-Guy Post #4

I really like the story for this map. If anything, that's what's going to get me to play it, as you have no other reasons given for people to play.
Let us know what's special about this map. I wanna find out, and I hope you have something good.


Aug 25 2009, 12:59 am Jack Post #5

>be faceless void >mfw I have no face

Looks good, my only gripe is that its spelt Sergeant, not Sargeant.

Red classic.

"In short, their absurdities are so extreme that it is painful even to quote them."

Aug 25 2009, 1:02 am Marine Post #6

whoops. thanks for noticing that i'll fix it.

[EDIT] Some screenies are up, adding more soon.

Post has been edited 1 time(s), last time on Aug 25 2009, 1:07 am by Marine.


Aug 25 2009, 3:18 am New-Guy Post #7

Okay, just DL'd it and played it a bit.
I take it that it wasn't intended, in any way, to be a 1-player map...
I'll see what I can do about getting some other people to play it with me sometime soon.

From what I could tell of the map, it looks very good. The beginning does a lot to help set the tone and feel for the whole map. Good job in the set-up.


Aug 25 2009, 3:22 am Marine Post #8

No it's not intended for 1-2 player, but really 3-5 players working together as a productive team to move forward on missions. Thank you for the feedback :) Hope it's just as good as you get further on.

The beta version was reloaded because I found an error. If you had already dled it download it again for the fixed beta version. My apologies :(

Post has been edited 1 time(s), last time on Aug 25 2009, 3:34 am by Marine.


Aug 25 2009, 4:30 am ClansAreForGays Post #9

A little too much back story. I can't suspend belief that this rag tag group can manage to kill more than 1 of these super aliens. Hopefully something happens in the map that makes this half believable.

Awesome job everywhere else though.

Aug 25 2009, 5:37 am Pyro682 Post #10

Be sure to either make your text shorter, or for it to appear longer.

If you have huge-ass paragraphs like that that disappear too quickly, people will either not bother reading, or not have enough time to read it. (Just my opinion, then again, maybe I'm a slow reader?)


Aug 25 2009, 9:51 pm Marine Post #11

Quote from ClansAreForGays
A little too much back story. I can't suspend belief that this rag tag group can manage to kill more than 1 of these super aliens. Hopefully something happens in the map that makes this half believable.

I'll add something to make it half-believable then. Maybe something goes wrong on their end? I'll figure it out. Afterall the beta is the beta and things can be changed at anytime to help out the story I guess, right?

So I changed the story a bit. The aliens aren't "super" anymore; instead they're fairly equal to earth soldiers, just more advanced in their technology. With this addition to the storyline, I'm sure it's half-believable by now. If anything needs fixing just ask. If it's still not believable I'll try again with the storyline. Thanks for the feedback guys, keep it coming please.

Post has been edited 1 time(s), last time on Aug 25 2009, 9:56 pm by Marine.


Aug 25 2009, 10:14 pm payne Post #12


This looks -very very- promising but due to it "near-completion" state, I will not play it until it is done :D
Just one comment: I would love to be able to read the texts, make sure they last long enough or make it so the player trigger a "Continue" action for the long text where there are no action. ;o


Aug 26 2009, 12:42 am Marine Post #13

alright I give. I'll spend 30 minutes increasing every text by at least 10 seconds. Is that long enough?

Actually, I would only be able to make a few texts longer without making other triggers stall, so.. sorry you'll have to become faster readers. :sorry:

Post has been edited 1 time(s), last time on Aug 26 2009, 12:52 am by Marine.


Aug 26 2009, 1:35 am payne Post #14


But can't you make something like:
A huge bunch of text is being displayed and it do not require a fast-read (like most cinematics) so you tell at the end of the text "Move unit to continue". It's as simple as that :)


Aug 26 2009, 1:39 am darksnow Post #15

or use a transmission, im pretty sure the text lasts for as long as the wait is, then switch every wait you currently have for death counts.
then move hypers to the bottom of the list.
shouldn't that work?


Aug 26 2009, 4:14 am payne Post #16


Hypers aren't the only thing to cause wait blocks. It is -always- better to use DC counters along with display text then to use Transmissions. ;)


Aug 26 2009, 7:17 am ClansAreForGays Post #17

Those new numbers are definitely more believable. I really like how you split everything into acts.

Aug 26 2009, 4:35 pm UnholyUrine Post #18

You gotta use Transmissions, and try to not use Hypers on the human players.

Looks very promising story-wise, but may need more spice on the gameplay part. I'll try it tonight :D.


Aug 26 2009, 4:53 pm TF- Post #19


One thing you can do is make a block of text that fills up the whole screen (you can just place a lot of empty lines with Enter/Return at the beginning and end to "pad" it) and then display it with Preserve Trigger present, it'll keep displaying the text but it won't show up in multiple lines, it'll just stay onscreen forever until you break the condition (switch/death counter/etc)


Aug 27 2009, 2:04 am Marine Post #20

Quote from ClansAreForGays
Those new numbers are definitely more believable. I really like how you split everything into acts.

to CLansAreForGays: So it is half believable now?

to everyone else: I figured it out; tommorow OR friday I will post the version with longer texts and continure to hunt down bugs in the map. I am asking of you (as in everyone) to download both maps and try them both, seeing if there are any problems in the new version. Use the old one as a control (play it first to compare the new one) and tell me if there are any stalling or blocks in the new version compared to the old. Thanks I'll have it in no later than friday!

To UnholyUrine: I'll try out adding dc's first then I'll try whatever it is you're talking about. :|

Quote from UnholyUrine
Looks very promising story-wise, but may need more spice on the gameplay part. I'll try it tonight :D.

Can you explain what you mean by 'spice'? I was told by someone on West that it was too good for people to play since people are used to crappy evolves maps (No offence to those who make them). This is causing me to kind of hold back on adding anything. Also, I kinda ran out of locations :unsure:

Post has been edited 1 time(s), last time on Aug 27 2009, 2:13 am by Marine.


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[08:58 pm]
Ultraviolet -- kinda wild that SC:R is approaching a decade old at this point
[2025-3-12. : 6:26 pm]
NudeRaider -- doesn't change much of my argument. That's still 15 years ago. And they went the "lazy" route and used the sc2 engine for, which obviously is more limited (but way quicker) than rendering everything from scratch.
[2025-3-12. : 6:23 pm]
Ultraviolet -- I haven't even paid enough attention to remastered cinematics to even compare to what that guy did
[2025-3-12. : 6:06 pm]
Ultraviolet -- think he was comparing what that guy did to SC:R's cinematics more than SC2's cinematics
[2025-3-12. : 6:00 pm]
NudeRaider -- That said, I like the gritty look of his more than what they did with the sc2 cinematics where everything is just glowy and polished. This is just more fitting of a war scenario and captures the desperation of the Protoss better..
[2025-3-12. : 5:58 pm]
NudeRaider -- Oh_Man
Oh_Man shouted: how can one person surpass entire video game company, none of SCBW's cinematics got remastered liek this
they weren't really remade, just rerecorded in hd or something. It's now over 25 years after they were made, tools and techniques have improved a lot and are much more accessible.
[2025-3-11. : 5:38 pm]
Ultraviolet -- Oh_Man
Oh_Man shouted: how can one person surpass entire video game company, none of SCBW's cinematics got remastered liek this
prob because one person who gives a shit can do more than many who don't
[2025-3-11. : 3:42 pm]
UndeadStar -- oh it's just because it's not www, my bad
[2025-3-11. : 3:38 pm]
UndeadStar -- good to see the site is back, though it now requires more javascript
[2025-3-11. : 2:09 pm]
Oh_Man -- how can one person surpass entire video game company, none of SCBW's cinematics got remastered liek this
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