for reading in the maps in Stargus there're tons of old code that somehow works. But the detection which map tiles could be walked and which not is not working. I rewrote some format parsers for the Chk format and the CV5, CF4,... format.
But I'm not complete sure which information is only for the Map Editor and which is really used for the game.
For example just that data which decides if a ground unit could walk to a place on the map. Where is this encoded? Do you know?
VF4 contains tile flags which determine walkability
VF4TileFlags(4 by 4 array of mini tiles per tile, you get the tile using the "megatile" index from CV5)
Graphical preview of elevation&walkability
TheNitesWhoSay - Clan Aura -
githubReached the top of StarCraft theory crafting 2:12 AM CST, August 2nd, 2014.
Thanks for the hint. I'll try to integrate this.
Interesting project - do you plan support on Linux platform for your code?
I'm asking as we're developing stargus but till now nobody is working on the map editor.
I'm at the moment re-implementing lot of starcraft formats with kaitai parser:
https://github.com/andreas-volz/stargus/tree/master/src/kaitaiMaybe all C++ people should spend their work in portable and good base libraries to read the data :-)
Parts of the project are intended to be portable (e.g. Mapping Core - which is the parser/starcraft/non-gui mapping stuff); though I'm not actively targeting linux.
TheNitesWhoSay - Clan Aura -
githubReached the top of StarCraft theory crafting 2:12 AM CST, August 2nd, 2014.