Hey guys, I'm looking for some low-key/background music (think Piano/Harp/Cello&Smooth-Electronic type music) from or covering stuff from the games listed below - please let me know if you have anything great!
- Kingdom Hearts I/II - Diablo II - SoulCalibur II - RuneScape - Pokemon (R/B/Y/G/S/Pokemon Stadium 64) - Zeus Master of Olympus - Age of Empires 2/Expansion - StarCraft/BW
Also a few non-gaming categories, should you happen to know of any appropriate songs:
- Baseball - Bill Joel - StarGate/Atlantis - That 70's Show - Star Wars
Naturally Star Wars has the most amazing music of any franchise. But most of it is full of power and as such best heard both loud/on high dynamics equipment and consciously which is kind of the opposite of your request. But here's a quiet piece: (start at 9:34)