Great Documentary, You should check it out. (it should be on youtube)
Sure you use a hybrid car but this is going to be expensive in the long haul. The cost of the battery + labor cost which for a new engine is a whopping 5000 dollars. This cost is expensive that a owner of a hybrid is skeptical on wheter he should buy a new battery. It is stated on the forums that it could cost anywhere from 2000 - 5000 thousand dollars. Doing more research i found that the warranty put on the car is about 100,000 miles or 10 years but as hybrids get older and older people are begging the question how can i replace my battery. But as more and more electric cars age how long will the battery last. I however do actually believe in hybrids and some people have even gone 250,000 miles without trouble but the problem here is that if you don't use you hybrid that much over a course of say 10 years it could easily break down without have saved the cost of the gasoline purchased.
Person Asking for Hybrid Battery Cost
Hybrid Car Replacement Newspost(Don't forget to check out page 2)
Once the oil runs out the next cheapest and most efficient alternative would be bio fuel. I know what you must be saying; Geo thermal, solar, wind, tide, hydro, and all of these other alternatives are great but companies around the world epically in America will think it is too costly and to have a competitive edge in the market they have to be the cheapest. It has been shown in the past 100 years or so that food prices have sky rocketed. This is in part due to diminishing farm land and peoples desire for meat which requires food to feed said animals. This shows that if demand were to offsets the supply of fruit/vegetables then cost will sky rocket. Because this happened over the course of century we know it will happen again and since the oil we dig out the earth is finite and takes millions of years to replenish the only alternative will be bio fuel. Bio fuel will take away supply from food thus causing food to sky rocket. This will cause people in already famine stricken areas to not be able to purchase food. This will cause international uprisings in China, India, Large parts of Africa, and perhaps Mexico.
Wikipedia (Biofuel)
Because food has risen to such a point people will need more water. Unfortunately water is becoming more and more desired, to such a degree
in which neighboring countries have contested about ownership. Because we are in the starting phases of need and wants we at first will compromise but as this resource becomes more wanted wars will be started over it such as the war in the middle east for oil.
A good example of a tense situation is the neighboring counties of India and Pakistan. The main water source for the country of Pakistan is the Indus river of which all or most of the water runs upstream from India. Thus if India were to build dams (which they likely will) to protect their precious water then the flow of water to Pakistan will be limited to such a degree that they will have to blow up the dam or declare war in either situation a large feud will occur.
Water Treaty Article
For however long man has wanted something war was always been the answer for a quick and easy fix. Instead we should look ahead and leave something to behind for a children, our grandchildren, becuase of us we will be thought up as the generation that could.
As par the discussion i have added a cost of electricity cost table.
Electricity Chart
Post has been edited 5 time(s), last time on Jul 15 2011, 2:21 pm by Tempz.