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Menus (custom)
Aug 9 2010, 11:06 pm
By: IcY  

Aug 9 2010, 11:06 pm IcY Post #1

Cruisin' on that LSD

in the beginning of same games custom menus pop up revealing choices such as difficulty, character choice, income choice etc...
i need a character choice menu for my map to pop up in the beginning to allow players to choose a character(hero) for this map.

Aug 9 2010, 11:18 pm Devourer Post #2


Button-variables are global and type of "dialog item"

Event: map initialitation
Condition: none
- Create a modal dialog of size X Y aligned to the.... (up to you)
- Set title of the dialog (last created dialog) to "Character Choice"

- Add dialog item (button) with value "Hero1" and hover text "Hero's abilities...wutsoever...totally up to you
- Set variable "Button1" to Last created dialog item
--- Same as above, for the characters you want to have

- Show last created Dialog

New trigger:
Event: Player uses Dialogitem (replace dialog item with the variable, e.g. Hero1)
Condition: not necesarry
Actions: Hide Dialog ( convert player to player group ( triggering player ) )
Actions: Create HERO at POINT for Triggering Player (or whatever actions you want)

These are the basics, hope this helps, for more help simply reply to this or/and provide us with more information :)

Please report errors in the Staredit.Network forum.

Aug 13 2010, 4:54 am StormTemplar Post #3

Thank you! I like to experiment myself and look around before asking but I couldnt get this to work right, new triggers are difficult to get..
EDIT: actually. Most of the actions I cant find in the list of possibilities. Or if I do, the ability to put them as youve typed isnt possible.. :-/ Do I have to write custom script?

Post has been edited 1 time(s), last time on Aug 13 2010, 11:26 pm by StormTemplar.


Aug 17 2010, 5:04 am Deev Post #4

You have to remember that the actual text of your trigger changes as you change the content of the line. I just tried to follow his instructions to see what you might have missed out on. Here is the actual list of commands he used, and where to find them. This is only the names of the triggers in the menu, I left out the values, and what they need to be set too, since he already covered all that, and it is my understanding that you're only having problems actually finding the actions he is refering to. (Especially the first thing, you have to set your variable to a dialog type, else it wont show up later)

Type: Dialog

Trigger 1:

Event: Game-> "Map initilization"
Action: Dialog-> "Create dialog"
Action: Dialog-> "Set dialog title"
Action: Dialog-> "Add dialog item"
Action: Dialog-> "Add dialog item (Button)"
Action: Variable-> "Set variable"
Action Dialog-> "Show/Hide Dialog"

Trigger 2:
Event: Dialog-> "Dialog item is used"


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Oh_Man -- lol, fine
[04:11 pm]
Vrael -- :)
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