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Jass Help
Nov 12 2007, 6:29 am
By: ejac1337  

Nov 12 2007, 6:29 am ejac1337 Post #1

Well, I'm starting to map in wc3 now some, and I've started learning jass. I'm just wondering if there's anyone here that I could just occasionaly pm a question or two about jass to, so you'd have to be fairly skilled. Thank you.

ps: I do know that this is a starcraft site. ;)


Nov 12 2007, 10:30 pm Centreri Post #2

Relatively ancient and inactive

I know a teeny tiny bit of JASS, probably less then you do now. In case you don't know, the best WCIII mapping website is - it's a meaner version of SEN, with a lot of resources and whatnot.


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[01:55 am]
Vrael -- Right I forgot, maybe something more like: output_yr = getinternalengine().timecooker.timemethod.bake().steam().casserole().lookattheclockonthewall.converttotimezone.souvide().current().subtractepoch()
[11:56 pm]
l)ark_ssj9kevin -- Vrael
Vrael shouted: I mean, if you just used output_yr = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(time.time()).strftime("%Y") then you wouldnt have to log in and log off for the year and you'd save yourself a whole bunch of trouble
SEN is written in PHP so it's probably even more arcane than that
[2025-1-14. : 11:32 am]
NudeRaider -- No, it's Corbo
[2025-1-13. : 10:41 pm]
Vrael -- is evildesk still working in the copyright office is that why
[2025-1-13. : 9:14 pm]
Ultraviolet -- request denied
[2025-1-13. : 8:02 pm]
Roy -- We have to go down to the copyright office and renew our registration before we're allowed to change the date on the site.
[2025-1-13. : 2:44 am]
Ultraviolet -- But then how can you pretend and bullshit yourself that you're going to make big wonderful changes?? Nope, manual entry is the only way
[2025-1-12. : 11:56 pm]
Vrael -- I mean, if you just used output_yr = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(time.time()).strftime("%Y") then you wouldnt have to log in and log off for the year and you'd save yourself a whole bunch of trouble
[2025-1-11. : 2:16 pm]
Ultraviolet -- Sounds about right ;)
[2025-1-11. : 12:35 pm]
Moose -- > Log in January 1. > "This is the year I'm really going to overhaul this website." > Change date in copyright footer. > Log off for the year.
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