I suck at melee
Feb 25 2010, 7:34 am
By: LostInMyself  

Feb 25 2010, 7:34 am LostInMyself Post #1

So I just started playing melee after 10 years of playing starcraft and I am terrible.
I'm attempting to learn melee so I can prepare for starcraft 2.
The replay I posted shows how terrible I am, I mean come on I almost lost to a computer multiple times.
Any suggestions on upping my melee skills would be appreciated.
Watching melee games hasn't really helped since my execution speed is horrible.

wtf computer almost wins.rep
Hits: 4 Size: 90.96kb


Feb 25 2010, 10:12 am BeDazed Post #2

If your execution speed is horrible, then you need to play a lot. You also need to know the builds currently used today, and know why they are used like that.


May 9 2010, 2:06 am x-EnAlex Post #3

If your execution speed is horrible, focus on your defense, as Sun Tzu said, Defense is the best type of Offense, because after you defeated your enemies, you can attack them, leaving no need for execution speed unless you have another computer coming after you. Then you got a problem.

Oh yeah, by the way, how much computers do you play against in melee? Because last time I checked, My Maximum is 4 computers inside Lost Temple. (With a little cheap tactics)


May 9 2010, 3:10 am OlimarandLouie Post #4

My suggestion would be to watch some progamers play... or if you can't follow them, then watch regular people play starcraft on b.net or youtube videos (GrethSC).


May 9 2010, 2:18 pm Super Duper Post #5

General Strategy
Protoss Strategy
Terran Strategy
Zerg Strategy

Use those build orders.
It will take months, maybe even years to master melee.
Here is who I recommend watching:
If you play Zerg, watch these: Jaedong
If you play Protoss, watch these: Bisu
If you play Terran, watch these: Flash
GL :)

If you ever hear of a person named Combat-EX, do NOT watch his videos on youtube.

EDIT: A long time ago, someone told me the greatest advice I ever received on melee. "Don't be a god damn pansy and use your army".


May 9 2010, 2:33 pm Excalibur Post #6

The sword and the faith

But C, Bisu sucks now. :P

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May 9 2010, 4:49 pm Symmetry Post #7

Dungeon Master

Guys, he's not trying to go from decent to competetive, he actually is really bad and needs BASIC advice.

Here's what I'll tell you:

Firstly, your spawning pool was placed hilariously bad. Try not to mess up your geyser :P
Secondly, MORE DRONES. Not so many drones that you have no units, but more drones.
Third, MORE HATCHERIES. When you have large mineral surpluses (which you will have tons of if you follow my second piece of advice), build more hatcheries. More hatcheries means more units faster.

Work on the little things like that and with time your execution speed and timing will increase, at which point you can start worrying about BOs and whatnot. GL bro.

:voy: :jaff: :voy: :jaff:

May 9 2010, 5:16 pm 24million Post #8

i learned a lot from watching combat-ex's videos. sure, he may have cheated or whatever, but thats not important.
his commentary covers a lot of the things you need to do to play well. he also has some basics videos to show you some simple build orders and stuff


May 9 2010, 8:24 pm x-EnAlex Post #9

Quote from 24million
i learned a lot from watching combat-ex's videos. sure, he may have cheated or whatever, but thats not important.
his commentary covers a lot of the things you need to do to play well. he also has some basics videos to show you some simple build orders and stuff

Yeah.... The thing is that, I don't like his voice but his strategies are really basic and easy to pull off.


May 10 2010, 2:35 am Super Duper Post #10

Quote from 24million
i learned a lot from watching combat-ex's videos. sure, he may have cheated or whatever, but thats not important.
his commentary covers a lot of the things you need to do to play well. he also has some basics videos to show you some simple build orders and stuff
My heart shattered. :(
He plays against D players (proven), he is C and lacks decent advice. Please, don't listen to him :(.


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