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Profile for NudeRaider
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Tableguy, O)FaRTy1billion[MM], Roy, 1nFectEd, dumbducky

Account Information
Joined: Dec 2 2006, 3:07 am
Last Active: 37 minutes ago
Status: Offline
Display Name: NudeRaider

We can't explain the universe, just describe it; and we don't know whether our theories are true, we just know they're not wrong. >Harald Lesch
Activity: 6333
Posts: 8785
Posts Per Day: 1.33
Topics: 90
Minerals: 3157

Contact Information
E-Mail: Lewl coming soon // No spambots
Starcraft I: NudeRaider
Starcraft II: Not Given.

[04:09 pm]
lil-Inferno -- :wob:
[04:09 pm]
lil-Inferno -- orolorbâdea dorbâdea!
[11:47 am]
TF- -- :wob:
[11:47 am]
TF- -- orolorbâdea dorbâdea!
[01:13 am]
Ultraviolet -- :wob:
[2024-12-19. : 1:28 pm]
UndeadStar -- :wob:
[2024-12-19. : 2:22 am]
RIVE -- :wob:
[2024-12-18. : 11:24 pm]
jjf28 -- :wob:
[2024-12-18. : 5:24 pm]
Ultraviolet -- :wob:
[2024-12-18. : 8:01 am]
Zycorax -- :wob:
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Members Online: lil-Inferno, NudeRaider, Roy