Staredit Network > Forums > SC1 Map Production > Topic: Naruto Devastating
Naruto Devastating
Mar 12 2014, 7:30 pm
By: Stranger  

Mar 12 2014, 7:30 pm Stranger Post #1

Naruto Devastating



Type of map: Fighting
Tileset: Jungle
Map size: 256x256
Players: 2-6

Map Description

This is my multiplayer Naruto map, based on advanced stages of the original Naruto manga. Players will be able to fight one another through a high variety of Naruto characters and ninja techniques that I will do my best to make as loyal to the real thing as possible. Balances will be a crucial point of this map too.


This might remind you of some already existing Naruto maps. The basics are the same : players fight in an arena, should it be alone or in a team, trying to make the best use of their unique techniques. Lots of features will come along with this map.

I'm planning to rely on the Naruto manga to include as many interesting characters and ninja techniques as possible. You will have to counter standard or high level Ninjutsu, Taijutsu and Genjutsu techniques, and also use your own. Do you have the eye to recognize enemy illusion techniques ? Or will you fall for it ?

Thus, I promise you much diversity and much fun while you play this map.


1) Customize your game

2) A full set of 18 playable characters

3) A good variety of ninja techniques

4) Ingame Team Build up system (Battle Mode only)

5) Jutsu (Spell) system


Of course, I can't really show you the game animations on just some screens (unless I make a video). But here are few images :

Character selection

A quick look in Tobi's Dimension

The King of Hell (from Pain's Rinnegan)

Sasori cought in Pain's planetary devastation (yellow units don't attack but they do prevent you from getting out)

The gravity attraction makes a solid shell around the opponent...

Big explosion of the whole thing crushes and greatly damages the trapped opponent and his surroundings

Amaterasu unleached on Tobi (it will grow bigger on contact)

Tobi caught in one of Itachi's genjutsus

Tsukuyomi (more work on colors will come)

Susanoo with sword of totsuka (siege tank)

Gai (7 Gates)

Gai (8 Gates)

Gai's Evening Elephant

Kakashi's Earth wall (siege tanks cannot be controled and won't fire)

Kakashi's Kamui

Black colored Hidan drawing his ritual circle on the ground

Hidan getting in the circle and executing his opponent via his ritual

Gaara's sand

Tobi overwhelmed by Gaara's sand

Sasuke preparing a Kirin


Map started on : November 2013

Overview :

Terrain : 100%
Unit placement : 100%
Ideas : 99%
Triggers : 99%
Playable : Yes (demo released)

In details :
  • Main game mechanics (finished)
  • Battle Mode (finished)
  • Tournament Mode (In progress)
  • Classic sub Mode (default, finished)
  • Extreme sub Mode (In progress)
  • Jutsu/Spell interfaces (finished)
  • Characters and Jutsus (finished) => See next post for more detailed information

Currently working on:

- Final adjustments and touches. This is it ! Almost finished.


Download link for Demo version 1 : MediaFire

There is also an attached file at the bottom of this post.

Enjoy, and feel free to feedback !

P.S : Please note that Demo version 1 is now neraly obsolete, compared to the almost completed full version. Mechanics and improvements put aside, some characters have been remade in better way.


- Intensive testing phase on unofficial Demo version 3.1 (open for everyone) NOW !
- Plenty of changes come along with this new demo version, the details of which you can find here
- Concerned characters are Itachi, Pein, Hidan, Kakuzu and Neji (current characters guide out of date..)

- Added new character : Madara

- Added new character : Danzo

- Added new character : Shikamaru

- Added new character : Konan

- Added new character : Deidara

- New screens !

- Added new character : Hidan

- Added new character : Maito Gai

- Added new character : Kakuzu

- Added new character : Uzumaki Naruto
- Secret character revealed : Uchiha Madara


- First official Demo version released :
=> Map name has been changed and is now know as : Naruto Devastating
=> 6 Players (up to 3vs3)
=> 9 Playable Characters (out of 18)
=> 1 default game mode (Tag Team Battle mode)
=> Bug fixes and slightly improved map mechanics
=> Terran Civilians are now replaced by fast Zerglings for a faster spell casting
=> Added ingame Help instructions (minimap Pings and F4 shortcut) in order to find more easily the Spell Info ingame section on the map
=> Game will now continue without needing to remake whenever a player leaves in the middle of a fight (auto tag system for Player 12)
=> Max chakra increased to 140.
=> Izanami (Itachi) disabled
=> Manual deactivation of permenant spells (such as Sharingan) : disabled
=> New balances between spells and characters (check the Character guide for new spell costs). Here are some of them :
----> Neji : Kaiten and Great Kaiten damage reduced. It takes now less time to opponent to recover from 128 hits. Opponents have now incrased chances to protect themselves from taking a direct hit and having their chakra flow blocked too easily (Earth wall, enough Sand surrounding Gaara, Susanoo, clones of one's self, Genjutsu)
----> Gaara : Spell chakra cost reduced for some spells. Unit armor reduced by 1 (down to 3).
----> Tobi : Kamui, release chakra cost reduced to 40.
----> Pain : Shinra Tensei damage reduced. Chibaku Tensei damage increased. Gakudou's power and range (absorbing ninjutsu) slightly reduced.
----> Kisame : Spell chakra cost reduced for some spells.
----> Sasori : Significantly reduced chakra cost for using puppets Hiruko and Third Kazekage. Reduced chakra cost for Poisoned cloud and Hiruko's arm shot.

- Added new character : Hatake Kakashi

- Bug fixes and map improvements
- You can now manually deactivate "permenant jutsus" (like Sharingan, Byakugan, Jyuuken etc) to recover 50% of the chakra you spent to activate them
- Added : Izanami Jutsu for Uchiha Itachi

- Added new character : Uchiha Itachi

- Added Character Guide

- First presentation post

November 2013
- Starting map

More information about characters and jutsus is coming in the next message.

Hits: 1 Size: 401.44kb

Post has been edited 39 time(s), last time on Sep 18 2017, 9:44 am by Stranger.


Mar 12 2014, 7:31 pm Stranger Post #2

Characters (Part 1)

Characters are fairly easy to get used to, even for beginners. If you plan playing more competitive however, you will certainly need to know your character in the first place, so the jutsus you use are the most efficient depending on the situation.

Here's a complete guide about all characters I finished so far. More will come as the map will progress. Of course, things might come to change anytime.

About jutsus :
  • Chakra is represented by gas (for some rare exceptions, it can also be minerals)
  • A character's max chakra capacity is 120 gas
  • Yellow beacon = LOCKED spell (usualy another spell is needed to unlock them) => This should help you a lot throughout the game
  • Having a very low chakra (4-5 or less) deactivates some jutsus like Sharingan or Byakugan, which means you will have to waste more chakra to reactivate them later. Pay attention.





Hoshigaki Kisame

Hyuuga Neji

Uchiha Sasuke

Post has been edited 31 time(s), last time on Aug 31 2016, 1:26 pm by Stranger.


Mar 12 2014, 11:27 pm Stranger Post #3

Characters (Part 2)

Uchiha Itachi

Hatake Kakashi

Uzumaki Naruto


Shimura Danzo

More characters are coming soon.


Post has been edited 22 time(s), last time on Aug 11 2017, 9:53 pm by Stranger.


Mar 13 2014, 10:18 am Stranger Post #4

Characters (Part 3)

Maito Gai





The last 2 characters (Danzo and Madara) are on the way !

Post has been edited 24 time(s), last time on Jul 28 2017, 9:33 am by Stranger.


Mar 24 2014, 8:29 am Stranger Post #5

Update :

Added new character : Uchiha Itachi.

See Characters Guide for more information.

And now, about some of the ideas I've had for this map but which I abondoned due to additionnal complex triggering, to lack of time or to already a high variety of existing stuff.

Initially, Sharingan and MS were supposed to grant characters 3 passive skills from which you can only activate one at a time :

- Evasion : Something like automaticly dodge attacks and damage X % of the time => Removed because it seems there is no need for it with all the existing jutsus

- Copy : Copies some enemy spells for free (This was seen in other Naruto maps, like Mark of the Shinobi and maybe Jigoku Rumble) => Kakashi is now able to copy most jutsus with his sharingan being active and then use them for 25 chakra.

- Prediction/Analysis : This should have alerted the player about what spell the opponent is about to cast but seemed too complex to make and in the same time to be trully useful. The analysis part should have helped you recognize and identify enemy genjutsus.

Some people are already interested in the map and are helping out about ideas, balances and testing.

Feel free to do as well.

Post has been edited 1 time(s), last time on Jul 28 2017, 9:25 am by Stranger.


Mar 24 2014, 10:31 am Devourer Post #6


From what I can see a nice terrain updates with (not-blocking) doodads and so on would be great :)
But I will give this a try when it is finished or when I have spare time, I'm quite busy lately.

Please report errors in the Staredit.Network forum.

Mar 24 2014, 11:00 am Stranger Post #7

Thank you, good idea indeed :)

I think I will include you in a "special thanks" or in a "credits" section xD

Post has been edited 1 time(s), last time on Mar 31 2014, 8:06 am by Stranger.


Mar 31 2014, 9:04 am Stranger Post #8


- Fixed most known bugs and brought some slight improvements
- Added few spell balances (although a whole balancing phase will come in the final stages of the map)
- You can now manually deactivate "Permenant spells" (like Sharingan, Byakugan, Jyuuken etc) to get back 50% of the chakra you spent to activate them
- Finished and tested Izanami for Itachi (it works!). I will now just have to apply it to all existing characters and ninja spells.

How Izanami works currently (thanks go to Devourer who helped out pretty much ;) Same goes for Dr.Loof for some ideas! ) :

Phase 1 : Recording

Itachi activates Izanami (this will start the "recording" for Izanami) : It costs 10 chakra and as long as it is activated, Izanami will automaticaly record the spells used by the opponent for the cost of 2 chakra per second.

Phase 2 : Locking on opponent

Izanami locks instantly on the enemy (this is done if Itachi uses Izanami again or if his chakra after Phase 1 is brought to 0), remembering the last spell he used as well as his last position in the arena. A counter is then set to "10".

If by any chance, no enemy spell was recorded during the Phase 1, nothing happens and Izanami goes off.

Phase 3 : Izanami Loop

At this point, the opponent is completely cought in Izanami. In Battle Mode (team battle), both opponents won't be able to tag as long as the loop is active. Also, whenever the guy cought in Izanami attempts to cast a spell, here's what happens :

- He is immediately brought back to the place in the arena remembered by Izanami (like a teleport)
- The spell that will comme out will always be the one remembered by Izanami right before the Phase 2 (be it a simple Shuriken throw, or a devastating spell.. as long as the opponent has enough chakra for those), no matter what he tries
- The counter will subtract "1"

Thus, the only way to escape Izanami is to cast a spell 10 times, until the counter is brought to "0". If the spell locked by Izanami is a simple 10 chakra spell, it should go faster, yet with no real danger for Itachi. But if it's a 120 chakra spell, it might make things tougher.

There is of course another condition for ending Izanami : death of one of the fighting opponents.

It should also be able to counter Izanagi by some means, but I'll see about this later on.


The use of Izanami comes with consequences for both opponents :

1) For Itachi : like Izanagi, the use of Izanami will destroy one of user's eyes. With only 1 eye left (1 use of Izanami), Itachi can no longer use Susanoo which requires both eyes. With both eyes destroyed (2 uses of Izanami), Itachi is no longer able to use Sharingan.

2) For the opponent : once he escapes the Izanami Loop and breaks the spell, the opponent will permenantly lose the spell which Izanami locked on during the Phase 2. You should just hope it didn't lock on a spell with other dependencies (one Sasori's puppets, Sharingan, Byakugan etc).


Jul 11 2014, 1:04 pm Stranger Post #9

Just to let you know that I took a little break the few last months because of too intensive mapmaking and lack of time. No new updates since then.

Holidays are approaching as well, and after that some major (and happy) events will follow and will certainly not allow me to work on maps either.

However I'm definitly not letting down the map :D I should be able to work activly on it again around October this year and later on.

See you soon :)


Nov 2 2014, 5:43 pm Stranger Post #10

Hey there !

It's been some time. I don't know if there will still be people to play this but I'm getting back to work.

I might not give news here before my next major update is ready but I keep an eye on the topic.


Oct 12 2015, 7:56 pm Stranger Post #11

I got 1 year break before getting back on this map.

Update :

Added new character : Hatake Kakashi.

See Characters Guide for more information.

There are now 9 playable characters out of 18. My next objective is to release an official Demo version, which means I will have to finish some undone stuff (Izanami), fix few known issues I found while testing, improve some of the mechanics and check if everything is well balanced.

A Demo version of the map will then be downloadable in this topic.


Oct 14 2015, 4:20 pm ScOULaris Post #12

Hah, one year off is a long time. Glad to see you've returned to it. I'll definitely check it out once it's playable.


Oct 14 2015, 10:15 pm Stranger Post #13

Thanks :)

Yeah I'm back on it and doing stuff daily to make the actual demo version official and clean. It should come out soon, during next update.


Oct 28 2015, 12:55 pm Stranger Post #14

Official Demo version confirmed :

- 6 Players
- 1 default game mode : Tag Team Battle mode (up to 3vs3)
- 9 playable characters : Tobi, Sasori, Kisame, Pain, Itachi, Sasuke, Kakashi, Neji, Gaara
- Izanami (Uchiha Itachi) disabled for Demo version : it will come along in the final version
- New balances in this version : make sure to read again the character guide before playing, as there will be some slight changes made to some spells, as well as a lower chakra cost

Release date : 01/11/2015

If anyone from SEN feels like playing this on Bnet, we might want to gather all there and get a full house.


Nov 1 2015, 8:41 pm Stranger Post #15

- First official Demo version released :
=> Map name has been changed and is now know as : Naruto Devastating
=> 6 Players (up to 3vs3)
=> 9 Playable Characters (out of 18)
=> 1 default game mode (Tag Team Battle mode)
=> Bug fixes and slightly improved map mechanics
=> Terran Civilians are now replaced by fast Zerglings for a faster spell casting
=> Added ingame Help instructions (minimap Pings and F4 shortcut) in order to find more easily the Spell Info ingame section on the map
=> Game will now continue without needing to remake whenever a player leaves in the middle of a fight (auto tag system for Player 12)
=> Max chakra increased to 140.
=> Izanami (Itachi) disabled
=> Manual deactivation of permenant spells (such as Sharingan) : disabled
=> New balances between spells and characters (check the Character guide for new spell costs). Here are some of them :
----> Neji : Kaiten and Great Kaiten damage reduced. It takes now less time to opponent to recover from 128 hits. Opponents have now incrased chances to protect themselves from taking a direct hit and having their chakra flow blocked too easily (Earth wall, enough Sand surrounding Gaara, Susanoo, clones of one's self, Genjutsu)
----> Gaara : Spell chakra cost reduced for some spells. Unit armor reduced by 1 (down to 3).
----> Tobi : Kamui, release chakra cost reduced to 40.
----> Pain : Shinra Tensei damage reduced. Chibaku Tensei damage increased. Gakudou's power and range (absorbing ninjutsu) slightly reduced.
----> Kisame : Spell chakra cost reduced for some spells.
----> Sasori : Significantly reduced chakra cost for using puppets Hiruko and Third Kazekage. Reduced chakra cost for Poisoned cloud and Hiruko's arm shot.

Download link : MediaFire


Hits: 0 Size: 401.44kb

Post has been edited 4 time(s), last time on Nov 4 2015, 8:44 am by Stranger.


Nov 17 2015, 9:52 pm Stranger Post #16

Update :

=> Added new character : Uzumaki Naruto (Character guide is now up to date)

I will continue working on characters and try to finish them all to make a full set.

I'm also looking forward to a Demo version 2, as well as an official Beta.

Finally, I'm revealing now the secret character : Uchiha Madara.


Nov 25 2015, 9:38 am Stranger Post #17

I keep testing the map with players and work on it. I hope I finish at least 2 more characters by the end of the year.

Found 2-3 "bugs" that players could reproduce and exploit if they really intented to (and if they find out how) :

- Naruto can use the Kyuubi chakra boost without taking damage
- Naruto can use the Emergency Kage Bunshin for free (and trigger the Teleport + Rasengan that come along with this jutsu)
- Pain's Shinra Tensei (almighty push) can do abusive damage (up to 4 times the standard damage)

All these are quoite simple to fix, yet not absolutly necessary. I'll add fixes for those for the Beta or the official version.


Jul 31 2016, 3:18 pm Stranger Post #18

Back to work on this map after a little break and other stuff. I really have to get it done ^_^

And look, I already added some new stuff :D

Update :

=> Added new character : Kakuzu (Character guide up to date)


Aug 9 2016, 8:24 pm Stranger Post #19

Update :

=> Added new character : Maito Gai (Character guide up to date)


Aug 30 2016, 1:44 pm Stranger Post #20

Update :

=> Added new character : Hidan (Character guide up to date)

Heh, almost there.. :)

Post has been edited 1 time(s), last time on Aug 30 2016, 2:57 pm by Stranger.


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[2024-5-28. : 8:43 am]
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[2024-5-28. : 5:26 am]
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